/*++ BUILD Version: 0004 // Increment this if a change has global effects Copyright (c) 1985-95, Microsoft Corporation Module Name: glaux.h Abstract: Procedure declarations, constant definitions and macros for the OpenGL Auxiliary Library. --*/ #ifndef __GLAUX_H__ #define __GLAUX_H__ /* * (c) Copyright 1993, Silicon Graphics, Inc. * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for * any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice * and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that * the name of Silicon Graphics, Inc. not be used in advertising * or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, * written prior permission. * * THE MATERIAL EMBODIED ON THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED TO YOU "AS-IS" * AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SILICON * GRAPHICS, INC. BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANYONE ELSE FOR ANY DIRECT, * SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY * KIND, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, * LOSS OF PROFIT, LOSS OF USE, SAVINGS OR REVENUE, OR THE CLAIMS OF * THIRD PARTIES, WHETHER OR NOT SILICON GRAPHICS, INC. HAS BEEN * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH LOSS, HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * POSSESSION, USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * US Government Users Restricted Rights * Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to * restrictions set forth in FAR 52.227.19(c)(2) or subparagraph * (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software * clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 and/or in similar or successor * clauses in the FAR or the DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. * Unpublished-- rights reserved under the copyright laws of the * United States. Contractor/manufacturer is Silicon Graphics, * Inc., 2011 N. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View, CA 94039-7311. * * OpenGL(TM) is a trademark of Silicon Graphics, Inc. */ #include #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* ** ToolKit Window Types ** In the future, AUX_RGBA may be a combination of both RGB and ALPHA */ #define AUX_RGB 0 #define AUX_RGBA AUX_RGB #define AUX_INDEX 1 #define AUX_SINGLE 0 #define AUX_DOUBLE 2 #define AUX_DIRECT 0 #define AUX_INDIRECT 4 #define AUX_ACCUM 8 #define AUX_ALPHA 16 #define AUX_DEPTH 32 /* 32-bit depth buffer */ #define AUX_STENCIL 64 #define AUX_AUX 128 #define AUX_DEPTH16 256 /* 16-bit depth buffer */ #define AUX_FIXED_332_PAL 512 /* ** Window Masks */ #define AUX_WIND_IS_RGB(x) (((x) & AUX_INDEX) == 0) #define AUX_WIND_IS_INDEX(x) (((x) & AUX_INDEX) != 0) #define AUX_WIND_IS_SINGLE(x) (((x) & AUX_DOUBLE) == 0) #define AUX_WIND_IS_DOUBLE(x) (((x) & AUX_DOUBLE) != 0) #define AUX_WIND_IS_INDIRECT(x) (((x) & AUX_INDIRECT) != 0) #define AUX_WIND_IS_DIRECT(x) (((x) & AUX_INDIRECT) == 0) #define AUX_WIND_HAS_ACCUM(x) (((x) & AUX_ACCUM) != 0) #define AUX_WIND_HAS_ALPHA(x) (((x) & AUX_ALPHA) != 0) #define AUX_WIND_HAS_DEPTH(x) (((x) & (AUX_DEPTH | AUX_DEPTH16)) != 0) #define AUX_WIND_HAS_STENCIL(x) (((x) & AUX_STENCIL) != 0) #define AUX_WIND_USES_FIXED_332_PAL(x) (((x) & AUX_FIXED_332_PAL) != 0) /* ** ToolKit Event Structure */ typedef struct _AUX_EVENTREC { GLint event; GLint data[4]; } AUX_EVENTREC; /* ** ToolKit Event Types */ #define AUX_EXPOSE 1 #define AUX_CONFIG 2 #define AUX_DRAW 4 #define AUX_KEYEVENT 8 #define AUX_MOUSEDOWN 16 #define AUX_MOUSEUP 32 #define AUX_MOUSELOC 64 /* ** Toolkit Event Data Indices */ #define AUX_WINDOWX 0 #define AUX_WINDOWY 1 #define AUX_MOUSEX 0 #define AUX_MOUSEY 1 #define AUX_MOUSESTATUS 3 #define AUX_KEY 0 #define AUX_KEYSTATUS 1 /* ** ToolKit Event Status Messages */ #define AUX_LEFTBUTTON 1 #define AUX_RIGHTBUTTON 2 #define AUX_MIDDLEBUTTON 4 #define AUX_SHIFT 1 #define AUX_CONTROL 2 /* ** ToolKit Key Codes */ #define AUX_RETURN 0x0D #define AUX_ESCAPE 0x1B #define AUX_SPACE 0x20 #define AUX_LEFT 0x25 #define AUX_UP 0x26 #define AUX_RIGHT 0x27 #define AUX_DOWN 0x28 #define AUX_A 'A' #define AUX_B 'B' #define AUX_C 'C' #define AUX_D 'D' #define AUX_E 'E' #define AUX_F 'F' #define AUX_G 'G' #define AUX_H 'H' #define AUX_I 'I' #define AUX_J 'J' #define AUX_K 'K' #define AUX_L 'L' #define AUX_M 'M' #define AUX_N 'N' #define AUX_O 'O' #define AUX_P 'P' #define AUX_Q 'Q' #define AUX_R 'R' #define AUX_S 'S' #define AUX_T 'T' #define AUX_U 'U' #define AUX_V 'V' #define AUX_W 'W' #define AUX_X 'X' #define AUX_Y 'Y' #define AUX_Z 'Z' #define AUX_a 'a' #define AUX_b 'b' #define AUX_c 'c' #define AUX_d 'd' #define AUX_e 'e' #define AUX_f 'f' #define AUX_g 'g' #define AUX_h 'h' #define AUX_i 'i' #define AUX_j 'j' #define AUX_k 'k' #define AUX_l 'l' #define AUX_m 'm' #define AUX_n 'n' #define AUX_o 'o' #define AUX_p 'p' #define AUX_q 'q' #define AUX_r 'r' #define AUX_s 's' #define AUX_t 't' #define AUX_u 'u' #define AUX_v 'v' #define AUX_w 'w' #define AUX_x 'x' #define AUX_y 'y' #define AUX_z 'z' #define AUX_0 '0' #define AUX_1 '1' #define AUX_2 '2' #define AUX_3 '3' #define AUX_4 '4' #define AUX_5 '5' #define AUX_6 '6' #define AUX_7 '7' #define AUX_8 '8' #define AUX_9 '9' /* ** ToolKit Gets and Sets */ #define AUX_FD 1 /* return fd (long) */ #define AUX_COLORMAP 3 /* pass buf of r, g and b (unsigned char) */ #define AUX_GREYSCALEMAP 4 #define AUX_FOGMAP 5 /* pass fog and color bits (long) */ #define AUX_ONECOLOR 6 /* pass index, r, g, and b (long) */ /* ** Color Macros */ #define AUX_BLACK 0 #define AUX_RED 13 #define AUX_GREEN 14 #define AUX_YELLOW 15 #define AUX_BLUE 16 #define AUX_MAGENTA 17 #define AUX_CYAN 18 #define AUX_WHITE 19 extern float auxRGBMap[20][3]; #define AUX_SETCOLOR(x, y) (AUX_WIND_IS_RGB((x)) ? \ glColor3fv(auxRGBMap[(y)]) : glIndexf((y))) /* ** RGB Image Structure */ typedef struct _AUX_RGBImageRec { GLint sizeX, sizeY; unsigned char *data; } AUX_RGBImageRec; /* ** Prototypes */ void APIENTRY auxInitDisplayMode(GLenum); void APIENTRY auxInitPosition(int, int, int, int); /* GLenum APIENTRY auxInitWindow(LPCTSTR); */ #ifdef UNICODE #define auxInitWindow auxInitWindowW #else #define auxInitWindow auxInitWindowA #endif GLenum APIENTRY auxInitWindowA(LPCSTR); GLenum APIENTRY auxInitWindowW(LPCWSTR); void APIENTRY auxCloseWindow(void); void APIENTRY auxQuit(void); void APIENTRY auxSwapBuffers(void); typedef void (CALLBACK* AUXMAINPROC)(void); void APIENTRY auxMainLoop(AUXMAINPROC); typedef void (CALLBACK* AUXEXPOSEPROC)(int, int); void APIENTRY auxExposeFunc(AUXEXPOSEPROC); typedef void (CALLBACK* AUXRESHAPEPROC)(GLsizei, GLsizei); void APIENTRY auxReshapeFunc(AUXRESHAPEPROC); typedef void (CALLBACK* AUXIDLEPROC)(void); void APIENTRY auxIdleFunc(AUXIDLEPROC); typedef void (CALLBACK* AUXKEYPROC)(void); void APIENTRY auxKeyFunc(int, AUXKEYPROC); typedef void (CALLBACK* AUXMOUSEPROC)(AUX_EVENTREC *); void APIENTRY auxMouseFunc(int, int, AUXMOUSEPROC); int APIENTRY auxGetColorMapSize(void); void APIENTRY auxGetMouseLoc(int *, int *); void APIENTRY auxSetOneColor(int, float, float, float); void APIENTRY auxSetFogRamp(int, int); void APIENTRY auxSetGreyRamp(void); void APIENTRY auxSetRGBMap(int, float *); /* AUX_RGBImageRec * APIENTRY auxRGBImageLoad(LPCTSTR); */ #ifdef UNICODE #define auxRGBImageLoad auxRGBImageLoadW #else #define auxRGBImageLoad auxRGBImageLoadA #endif AUX_RGBImageRec * APIENTRY auxRGBImageLoadA(LPCSTR); AUX_RGBImageRec * APIENTRY auxRGBImageLoadW(LPCWSTR); #ifdef UNICODE #define auxDIBImageLoad auxDIBImageLoadW #else #define auxDIBImageLoad auxDIBImageLoadA #endif AUX_RGBImageRec * APIENTRY auxDIBImageLoadA(LPCSTR); AUX_RGBImageRec * APIENTRY auxDIBImageLoadW(LPCWSTR); void APIENTRY auxCreateFont(void); /* void APIENTRY auxDrawStr(LPCTSTR); */ #ifdef UNICODE #define auxDrawStr auxDrawStrW #else #define auxDrawStr auxDrawStrA #endif void APIENTRY auxDrawStrA(LPCSTR); void APIENTRY auxDrawStrW(LPCWSTR); void APIENTRY auxWireSphere(GLdouble); void APIENTRY auxSolidSphere(GLdouble); void APIENTRY auxWireCube(GLdouble); void APIENTRY auxSolidCube(GLdouble); void APIENTRY auxWireBox(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble); void APIENTRY auxSolidBox(GLdouble, GLdouble, GLdouble); void APIENTRY auxWireTorus(GLdouble, GLdouble); void APIENTRY auxSolidTorus(GLdouble, GLdouble); void APIENTRY auxWireCylinder(GLdouble, GLdouble); void APIENTRY auxSolidCylinder(GLdouble, GLdouble); void APIENTRY auxWireIcosahedron(GLdouble); void APIENTRY auxSolidIcosahedron(GLdouble); void APIENTRY auxWireOctahedron(GLdouble); void APIENTRY auxSolidOctahedron(GLdouble); void APIENTRY auxWireTetrahedron(GLdouble); void APIENTRY auxSolidTetrahedron(GLdouble); void APIENTRY auxWireDodecahedron(GLdouble); void APIENTRY auxSolidDodecahedron(GLdouble); void APIENTRY auxWireCone(GLdouble, GLdouble); void APIENTRY auxSolidCone(GLdouble, GLdouble); void APIENTRY auxWireTeapot(GLdouble); void APIENTRY auxSolidTeapot(GLdouble); /* ** Window specific functions ** hwnd, hdc, and hglrc valid after auxInitWindow() */ HWND APIENTRY auxGetHWND(void); HDC APIENTRY auxGetHDC(void); HGLRC APIENTRY auxGetHGLRC(void); /* ** Viewperf support functions and constants */ /* Display Mode Selection Criteria */ enum { AUX_USE_ID = 1, AUX_EXACT_MATCH, AUX_MINIMUM_CRITERIA }; void APIENTRY auxInitDisplayModePolicy(GLenum); GLenum APIENTRY auxInitDisplayModeID(GLint); GLenum APIENTRY auxGetDisplayModePolicy(void); GLint APIENTRY auxGetDisplayModeID(void); GLenum APIENTRY auxGetDisplayMode(void); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __GLAUX_H__ */