OpenGL(R) for Windows(R) 95 -------------------------------- The OpenGL API is supported on a variety of graphics hardware; the software in this release provides support for graphics hardware including basic emulation on any video adapter that is supported with the operating system and 3D DDI accelerated graphics hardware. This software will help application developers port OpenGL-based applications from Windows NT to Windows 95; it can also be used in porting OpenGL-based applications from other operating systems to Windows95, although other API's and tools will be necessary to completely port those applications. And of course it can be used to develop new applications that require OpenGL on Windows95. This software also contains runtime libraries which application developers may freely redistribute along with their applications to other Windows95 systems. This release includes the following directories: - DLL contains the runtime dynamic-link libraries for OpenGL and GLU. We recommend either of two methods for redistributing these libraries with your application: 1) In your setup program, install these libraries in the application directory along with your application. This gives you greater control over the version of OpenGL that your application will link to (an issue if other applications install other versions of the library), but also gives you greater responsibility for updating your customers' libraries if and when that is required to address defects, add functionality, etc. 2) In your setup program, install these libraries in the windows system directory. If you do this, you should use the Win32 setup API call VerInstallFile to help prevent installing an older version of the libraries over another application's installation of a more recent version of the libraries. - INCLUDE contains the OpenGL header files; these should be copied to your development environment's header file directory. If you plan to install the SDK from this edition of MSDN, you should install the SDK first, then copy in these header files. - LIB contains the import libraries for OpenGL, GLU, and the OpenGL Programming Guide auxiliary library. - MGA contains the binaries for Matrox MGA Impression Plus graphics card. It includes 3D DDI support for enhanced OpenGL performance in 1024x768 at 256 color mode or 800x600 at 16bpp mode. Note that 4MB of video memory is required for these modes. No 32bpp accelerated modes are supported at this time. (In addition, index color mode fails buffer invariance conformance tests.) - SAMPLES contains the OpenGL Programming Guide book examples, auxiliary library source code, screen saver source code, and other samples. If you plan to install the SDK from this edition of MSDN, you should install the SDK first, then copy these sample programs into your SDK installation area (typically \mstools\samples\opengl\..., since some of the sample code has been updated for this release of OpenGL. - SCRSAVE contains 4 screen savers. These should be copied into the windows system directory of your system. OpenGL is a registered trademark of Silicon Graphics, Inc. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.