/******************************Module*Header*******************************\ * Module Name: genwin.c * * The Windows Logo style of the 3D Flying Objects screen saver. * * Animated 3D model of the Microsoft (R) Windows NT (TM) flag logo. * * Copyright (c) 1994-1995 Microsoft Corporation * \**************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "ssopengl.h" #define WIN_TOP_BORDER (float)0.1 #define WIN_RIGHT_BORDER WIN_TOP_BORDER #define WIN_CROSSBAR (0.6522f * WIN_TOP_BORDER) #define WIN_NUMPIECES 7 #define WIN_NUMCOLUMNS 6 #define WIN_GAP (WIN_TOP_BORDER / 8.0f) #define WIN_GAP_X (2.0f * WIN_GAP) #define WIN_HEIGHT ((WIN_GAP * 6.0f) + \ (WIN_NUMPIECES * WIN_TOP_BORDER)) #define WIN_WIDTH (0.7024f * WIN_HEIGHT) #define WIN_THICKNESS WIN_CROSSBAR #define WIN_TOTALWIDTH (WIN_TOP_BORDER * 1.1f * (float)WIN_NUMCOLUMNS + \ WIN_WIDTH) #define BLOCK_TOP 0x0001 #define BLOCK_BOTTOM 0x0002 #define BLOCK_LEFT 0x0004 #define BLOCK_RIGHT 0x0008 #define BLOCK_FRONT 0x0010 #define BLOCK_BACK 0x0020 #define BLOCK_ALL 0x003f #define DELTA_BLEND 0x2000 #define NO_BLEND 0x1000 #define CUBE_FACES 6 #define CUBE_POINTS 8 #define MAX_FRAMES 20 #define MAXPREC 15 #define S_IPREC 3 static int Frames = 10; static MESH winMesh[MAX_FRAMES]; static MESH winStreamer[MAX_FRAMES]; static float sinAngle = 0.0f; static float xTrans = 0.2f; static int curMatl = 0; static int iPrec = 10; static RGBA matlBrightSpecular = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}; static RGBA matlDimSpecular = {0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f}; static RGBA matlNoSpecular = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; static GLfloat light0Pos[] = {20.0f, -10.0f, 20.0f, 0.0f}; static RGBA light1Ambient = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; static RGBA light1Diffuse = {0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 1.0f}; static RGBA light1Specular = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; static GLfloat light1Pos[] = {-20.0f, 5.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; static RGBA winColors[] = {{0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.0f}, {0.94f, 0.37f, 0.13f, 1.0f}, // red {0.22f, 0.42f, 0.78f, 1.0f}, // blue {0.35f, 0.71f, 0.35f, 1.0f}, // green {0.95f, 0.82f, 0.12f, 1.0f}}; // yellow static int iPtInList(MESH *mesh, int start, POINT3D *p, POINT3D *norm, BOOL blend) { int i; POINT3D *pts = mesh->pts + start; if (blend) { for (i = start; i < mesh->numPoints; i++, pts++) { if ((pts->x == p->x) && (pts->y == p->y) && (pts->z == p->z)) { mesh->norms[i].x += norm->x; mesh->norms[i].y += norm->y; mesh->norms[i].z += norm->z; return i; } } } else { i = mesh->numPoints; } mesh->pts[i] = *p; mesh->norms[i] = *norm; mesh->numPoints++; return i; } float getZPos(float x) { float xAbs = x - xTrans; float angle = (float) (sinAngle + ((2.0 * PI) * (xAbs / WIN_TOTALWIDTH))); xAbs += (WIN_TOTALWIDTH / 2.0f); xAbs = WIN_TOTALWIDTH - xAbs; return (float)((sin((double)angle) / 4.0) * sqrt((double)(xAbs / WIN_TOTALWIDTH ))); } void AddFace(MESH *mesh, int startBlend, POINT3D *pos, float w, float h) { #define FACE_VERTEX(i) \ iPtInList(mesh, startBlend, pts + i, &mesh->faces[faceCount].norm, TRUE) int faceCount = mesh->numFaces; int numPts = mesh->numPoints; POINT3D *pts = mesh->pts + numPts; float zLeft = getZPos(pos->x); float zRight = getZPos(pos->x + w); pts->x = (float)pos->x; pts->y = (float)pos->y; pts->z = zLeft; pts++; pts->x = (float)pos->x; pts->y = (float)(pos->y + h); pts->z = zLeft; pts++; pts->x = (float)(pos->x + w); pts->y = (float)(pos->y + h); pts->z = zRight; pts++; pts->x = (float)(pos->x + w); pts->y = (float)pos->y; pts->z = zRight; pts -= 3; mesh->faces[faceCount].material = curMatl; calcNorm(&mesh->faces[faceCount].norm, pts + 2, pts + 1, pts); mesh->faces[faceCount].p[3] = FACE_VERTEX(0); mesh->faces[faceCount].p[2] = FACE_VERTEX(1); mesh->faces[faceCount].p[1] = FACE_VERTEX(2); mesh->faces[faceCount].p[0] = FACE_VERTEX(3); mesh->numFaces++; } #define BLOCK_VERTEX(face, i)\ {\ if (flags & DELTA_BLEND) {\ mesh->faces[faceCount].p[face] = \ iPtInList(mesh, blendStart, &pts[i], &norms[((i & 0x2) >> 1)],\ bBlend);\ } else\ mesh->faces[faceCount].p[face] = \ iPtInList(mesh, blendStart, &pts[i],\ &mesh->faces[faceCount].norm, bBlend);\ } #define DELTA_FACT (float)10.0 void AddBlock(MESH *mesh, int blendStart, POINT3D *pos, float w, float h, float d, ULONG flags) { POINT3D pts[8]; POINT3D ptsL[8]; POINT3D ptsR[8]; POINT3D norms[2]; POINT3D posPrev; float zLeft = getZPos(pos->x); float zRight = getZPos(pos->x + w); int faceCount = mesh->numFaces; BOOL bBlend = ((flags & NO_BLEND) == 0); flags |= DELTA_BLEND; pts[0].x = (float)pos->x; pts[0].y = (float)(pos->y + h); pts[0].z = zLeft; pts[1].x = (float)pos->x; pts[1].y = (float)(pos->y + h); pts[1].z = zLeft + d; pts[2].x = (float)(pos->x + w); pts[2].y = (float)(pos->y + h); pts[2].z = zRight + d; pts[3].x = (float)(pos->x + w); pts[3].y = (float)(pos->y + h); pts[3].z = zRight; pts[4].x = (float)pos->x; pts[4].y = (float)pos->y; pts[4].z = zLeft; pts[5].x = (float)pos->x; pts[5].y = (float)pos->y; pts[5].z = zLeft + d; pts[6].x = (float)(pos->x + w); pts[6].y = (float)pos->y; pts[6].z = zRight + d; pts[7].x = (float)(pos->x + w); pts[7].y = (float)pos->y; pts[7].z = zRight; if (flags & DELTA_BLEND) { float prevW = w; posPrev = *pos; w /= DELTA_FACT; zRight = getZPos(pos->x + w); ptsL[0].x = (float)pos->x; ptsL[0].y = (float)(pos->y + h); ptsL[0].z = zLeft; ptsL[1].x = (float)pos->x; ptsL[1].y = (float)(pos->y + h); ptsL[1].z = zLeft + d; ptsL[2].x = (float)(pos->x + w); ptsL[2].y = (float)(pos->y + h); ptsL[2].z = zRight + d; ptsL[3].x = (float)(pos->x + w); ptsL[3].y = (float)(pos->y + h); ptsL[3].z = zRight; ptsL[4].x = (float)pos->x; ptsL[4].y = (float)pos->y; ptsL[4].z = zLeft; ptsL[5].x = (float)pos->x; ptsL[5].y = (float)pos->y; ptsL[5].z = zLeft + d; ptsL[6].x = (float)(pos->x + w); ptsL[6].y = (float)pos->y; ptsL[6].z = zRight + d; ptsL[7].x = (float)(pos->x + w); ptsL[7].y = (float)pos->y; ptsL[7].z = zRight; pos->x += (prevW - w); zLeft = getZPos(pos->x); zRight = getZPos(pos->x + w); ptsR[0].x = (float)pos->x; ptsR[0].y = (float)(pos->y + h); ptsR[0].z = zLeft; ptsR[1].x = (float)pos->x; ptsR[1].y = (float)(pos->y + h); ptsR[1].z = zLeft + d; ptsR[2].x = (float)(pos->x + w); ptsR[2].y = (float)(pos->y + h); ptsR[2].z = zRight + d; ptsR[3].x = (float)(pos->x + w); ptsR[3].y = (float)(pos->y + h); ptsR[3].z = zRight; ptsR[4].x = (float)pos->x; ptsR[4].y = (float)pos->y; ptsR[4].z = zLeft; ptsR[5].x = (float)pos->x; ptsR[5].y = (float)pos->y; ptsR[5].z = zLeft + d; ptsR[6].x = (float)(pos->x + w); ptsR[6].y = (float)pos->y; ptsR[6].z = zRight + d; ptsR[7].x = (float)(pos->x + w); ptsR[7].y = (float)pos->y; ptsR[7].z = zRight; *pos = posPrev; } if (flags & BLOCK_TOP) { mesh->faces[faceCount].material = curMatl; calcNorm(&mesh->faces[faceCount].norm, &pts[0], &pts[1], &pts[2]); if (flags & DELTA_BLEND) { calcNorm(&norms[0], &ptsL[0], &ptsL[1], &ptsL[2]); calcNorm(&norms[1], &ptsR[0], &ptsR[1], &ptsR[2]); } BLOCK_VERTEX(0, 0); BLOCK_VERTEX(1, 1); BLOCK_VERTEX(2, 2); BLOCK_VERTEX(3, 3); faceCount++; mesh->numFaces++; } if (flags & BLOCK_BOTTOM) { mesh->faces[faceCount].material = curMatl; calcNorm(&mesh->faces[faceCount].norm, &pts[4], &pts[7], &pts[6]); if (flags & DELTA_BLEND) { calcNorm(&norms[0], &ptsL[4], &ptsL[7], &ptsL[6]); calcNorm(&norms[1], &ptsR[4], &ptsR[7], &ptsR[6]); } BLOCK_VERTEX(0, 4); BLOCK_VERTEX(1, 7); BLOCK_VERTEX(2, 6); BLOCK_VERTEX(3, 5); faceCount++; mesh->numFaces++; } if (flags & BLOCK_LEFT) { mesh->faces[faceCount].material = curMatl; calcNorm(&mesh->faces[faceCount].norm, &pts[1], &pts[0], &pts[4]); if (flags & DELTA_BLEND) { calcNorm(&norms[0], &ptsL[1], &ptsL[0], &ptsL[4]); calcNorm(&norms[1], &ptsR[1], &ptsR[0], &ptsR[4]); } BLOCK_VERTEX(0, 1); BLOCK_VERTEX(1, 0); BLOCK_VERTEX(2, 4); BLOCK_VERTEX(3, 5); faceCount++; mesh->numFaces++; } if (flags & BLOCK_RIGHT) { mesh->faces[faceCount].material = curMatl; calcNorm(&mesh->faces[faceCount].norm, &pts[3], &pts[2], &pts[6]); if (flags & DELTA_BLEND) { calcNorm(&norms[0], &ptsL[3], &ptsL[2], &ptsL[6]); calcNorm(&norms[1], &ptsR[3], &ptsR[2], &ptsR[6]); } BLOCK_VERTEX(0, 3); BLOCK_VERTEX(1, 2); BLOCK_VERTEX(2, 6); BLOCK_VERTEX(3, 7); faceCount++; mesh->numFaces++; } if (flags & BLOCK_FRONT) { mesh->faces[faceCount].material = curMatl; calcNorm(&mesh->faces[faceCount].norm, &pts[0], &pts[3], &pts[7]); if (flags & DELTA_BLEND) { calcNorm(&norms[0], &ptsL[0], &ptsL[3], &ptsL[7]); calcNorm(&norms[1], &ptsR[0], &ptsR[3], &ptsR[7]); } BLOCK_VERTEX(0, 0); BLOCK_VERTEX(1, 3); BLOCK_VERTEX(2, 7); BLOCK_VERTEX(3, 4); faceCount++; mesh->numFaces++; } if (flags & BLOCK_BACK) { mesh->faces[faceCount].material = curMatl; calcNorm(&mesh->faces[faceCount].norm, &pts[1], &pts[5], &pts[6]); if (flags & DELTA_BLEND) { calcNorm(&norms[0], &ptsL[1], &ptsL[5], &ptsL[6]); calcNorm(&norms[1], &ptsR[1], &ptsR[5], &ptsR[6]); } BLOCK_VERTEX(0, 1); BLOCK_VERTEX(1, 5); BLOCK_VERTEX(2, 6); BLOCK_VERTEX(3, 2); mesh->numFaces++; } } void genWin(MESH *winMesh, MESH *winStreamer) { POINT3D pos, posCenter; float w, h, d; float wMax, hMax; float xpos; int i, j, prec; int startBlend; newMesh(winMesh, CUBE_FACES * iPrec * 20, CUBE_POINTS * iPrec * 20); // // create window frame // w = (WIN_WIDTH - WIN_TOP_BORDER) / (float)iPrec; h = (float)WIN_TOP_BORDER; d = (float)WIN_THICKNESS; // draw top and bottom portions pos.y = 0.0f; pos.z = 0.0f; for (i = 0, pos.x = xTrans, startBlend = winMesh->numPoints; i < iPrec; i++, pos.x += w) AddBlock(winMesh, startBlend, &pos, w, h, d, BLOCK_TOP); for (i = 0, pos.x = xTrans, startBlend = winMesh->numPoints; i < iPrec; i++, pos.x += w) AddBlock(winMesh, startBlend, &pos, w, h, d, BLOCK_BOTTOM); for (i = 0, pos.x = xTrans, startBlend = winMesh->numPoints; i < iPrec; i++, pos.x += w) AddBlock(winMesh, startBlend, &pos, w, h, d, BLOCK_FRONT); for (i = 0, pos.x = xTrans, startBlend = winMesh->numPoints; i < iPrec; i++, pos.x += w) AddBlock(winMesh, startBlend, &pos, w, h, d, BLOCK_BACK); pos.x = xTrans; AddBlock(winMesh, 0, &pos, w, h, d, BLOCK_LEFT | NO_BLEND); pos.y = WIN_HEIGHT - WIN_TOP_BORDER; pos.z = 0.0f; for (i = 0, pos.x = xTrans, startBlend = winMesh->numPoints; i < iPrec; i++, pos.x += w) AddBlock(winMesh, startBlend, &pos, w, h, d, BLOCK_TOP); for (i = 0, pos.x = xTrans, startBlend = winMesh->numPoints; i < iPrec; i++, pos.x += w) AddBlock(winMesh, startBlend, &pos, w, h, d, BLOCK_BOTTOM); for (i = 0, pos.x = xTrans, startBlend = winMesh->numPoints; i < iPrec; i++, pos.x += w) AddBlock(winMesh, startBlend, &pos, w, h, d, BLOCK_FRONT); for (i = 0, pos.x = xTrans, startBlend = winMesh->numPoints; i < iPrec; i++, pos.x += w) AddBlock(winMesh, startBlend, &pos, w, h, d, BLOCK_BACK); pos.x = xTrans; AddBlock(winMesh, 0, &pos, w, h, d, BLOCK_LEFT | NO_BLEND); // draw middle horizontal portions prec = (iPrec / 2); w = (WIN_WIDTH - WIN_TOP_BORDER - WIN_CROSSBAR) / 2.0f; w /= (float)prec; h = WIN_CROSSBAR; pos.y = (WIN_HEIGHT - WIN_CROSSBAR) / 2.0f; pos.z = 0.0f; for (i = 0, pos.x = xTrans, startBlend = winMesh->numPoints; i < prec; i++, pos.x += w) AddBlock(winMesh, startBlend, &pos, w, h, d, BLOCK_TOP); for (i = 0, pos.x = xTrans, startBlend = winMesh->numPoints; i < prec; i++, pos.x += w) AddBlock(winMesh, startBlend, &pos, w, h, d, BLOCK_BOTTOM); for (i = 0, pos.x = xTrans, startBlend = winMesh->numPoints; i < prec; i++, pos.x += w) AddBlock(winMesh, startBlend, &pos, w, h, d, BLOCK_FRONT); for (i = 0, pos.x = xTrans, startBlend = winMesh->numPoints; i < prec; i++, pos.x += w) AddBlock(winMesh, startBlend, &pos, w, h, d, BLOCK_BACK); xpos = pos.x + WIN_CROSSBAR; for (i = 0, pos.x = xpos, startBlend = winMesh->numPoints; i < prec; i++, pos.x += w) AddBlock(winMesh, startBlend, &pos, w, h, d, BLOCK_TOP); for (i = 0, pos.x = xpos, startBlend = winMesh->numPoints; i < prec; i++, pos.x += w) AddBlock(winMesh, startBlend, &pos, w, h, d, BLOCK_BOTTOM); for (i = 0, pos.x = xpos, startBlend = winMesh->numPoints; i < prec; i++, pos.x += w) AddBlock(winMesh, startBlend, &pos, w, h, d, BLOCK_FRONT); for (i = 0, pos.x = xpos, startBlend = winMesh->numPoints; i < prec; i++, pos.x += w) AddBlock(winMesh, startBlend, &pos, w, h, d, BLOCK_BACK); pos.x = xTrans; AddBlock(winMesh, 0, &pos, w, h, d, BLOCK_LEFT | NO_BLEND); // Draw thick right-hand edge of frame pos.x = xpos = xTrans + WIN_WIDTH - WIN_RIGHT_BORDER; pos.y = 0.0f; pos.z = 0.0f; w = WIN_RIGHT_BORDER / (float)S_IPREC; h = WIN_HEIGHT; AddBlock(winMesh, winMesh->numPoints, &pos, w, h, d, BLOCK_LEFT); for (i = 0, pos.x = xpos, startBlend = winMesh->numPoints; i < S_IPREC; i++, pos.x += w) AddBlock(winMesh, startBlend, &pos, w, h, d, BLOCK_FRONT); for (i = 0, pos.x = xpos, startBlend = winMesh->numPoints; i < S_IPREC; i++, pos.x += w) AddBlock(winMesh, startBlend, &pos, w, h, d, BLOCK_BACK); for (i = 0, pos.x = xpos, startBlend = winMesh->numPoints; i < S_IPREC; i++, pos.x += w) AddBlock(winMesh, startBlend, &pos, w, h, d, BLOCK_TOP); pos.y = WIN_HEIGHT; for (i = 0, pos.x = xpos, startBlend = winMesh->numPoints; i < S_IPREC; i++, pos.x += w) AddBlock(winMesh, startBlend, &pos, w, h, d, BLOCK_BOTTOM); pos.y = 0.0f; pos.x = xTrans + WIN_WIDTH - w; AddBlock(winMesh, winMesh->numPoints, &pos, w, h, d, BLOCK_RIGHT); // draw middle-vertical portion of frame pos.x = xTrans + (WIN_WIDTH - WIN_RIGHT_BORDER) / 2.0f - (WIN_CROSSBAR / 2.0f); pos.y = WIN_TOP_BORDER; pos.z = 0.0f; w = WIN_CROSSBAR; h = WIN_HEIGHT - 2.0f * WIN_TOP_BORDER; AddBlock(winMesh, 0, &pos, w, h, d, BLOCK_ALL | NO_BLEND); // // add the panels // w = (WIN_WIDTH - WIN_RIGHT_BORDER - WIN_CROSSBAR) / 2.0f; h = (WIN_HEIGHT - 2.0f * WIN_TOP_BORDER - WIN_CROSSBAR) / 2.0f; w /= (float)(iPrec / 2); curMatl = 2; pos.x = xTrans; pos.y = WIN_TOP_BORDER; for (i = 0, startBlend = winMesh->numPoints; i < iPrec / 2; i++) { AddFace(winMesh, startBlend, &pos, w, h); pos.x += w; } curMatl = 4; pos.x += WIN_CROSSBAR; for (i = 0, startBlend = winMesh->numPoints; i < iPrec / 2; i++) { AddFace(winMesh, startBlend, &pos, w, h); pos.x += w; } curMatl = 1; pos.x = xTrans; pos.y = WIN_TOP_BORDER + h + WIN_CROSSBAR; for (i = 0, startBlend = winMesh->numPoints; i < iPrec / 2; i++) { AddFace(winMesh, startBlend, &pos, w, h); pos.x += w; } curMatl = 3; pos.x += WIN_CROSSBAR; for (i = 0, startBlend = winMesh->numPoints; i < iPrec / 2; i++) { AddFace(winMesh, startBlend, &pos, w, h); pos.x += w; } normalizeNorms(winMesh->norms, winMesh->numPoints); newMesh(winStreamer, CUBE_FACES * WIN_NUMPIECES * WIN_NUMCOLUMNS, CUBE_POINTS * WIN_NUMPIECES * WIN_NUMCOLUMNS); h = hMax = WIN_TOP_BORDER; w = wMax = WIN_TOP_BORDER * 1.1f; posCenter.x = pos.x = xTrans - wMax - WIN_GAP_X; posCenter.y = pos.y = 0.0f; for (i = 0; i < WIN_NUMCOLUMNS; i++) { for (j = 0; j < WIN_NUMPIECES; j++) { if (((j % 3) == 0) || (i == 0)) curMatl = 0; else if (j < 3) curMatl = 2; else curMatl = 1; AddBlock(winStreamer, 0, &pos, w, h, d, BLOCK_ALL); pos.y += (hMax + WIN_GAP); } posCenter.x -= (wMax + WIN_GAP_X); posCenter.y = 0.0f; h = h * 0.8f; w = w * 0.8f; pos.x = posCenter.x; pos.y = posCenter.y; pos.x += (wMax - w) / 2.0f; pos.y += (hMax - h) / 2.0f; } normalizeNorms(winStreamer->norms, winStreamer->numPoints); } void initWinScene() { int i; float angleDelta; iPrec = (int)(fTesselFact * 10.5); if (iPrec < 5) iPrec = 5; if (iPrec > MAXPREC) iPrec = MAXPREC; glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glOrtho(-1.0, 1.0, -0.75, 1.25, 0.0, 3.0); glTranslatef(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.5f); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, light0Pos); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_AMBIENT, (GLfloat *) &light1Ambient); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_DIFFUSE, (GLfloat *) &light1Diffuse); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_SPECULAR, (GLfloat *) &light1Specular); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_POSITION, light1Pos); glEnable(GL_LIGHT1); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glFrontFace(GL_CCW); glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); Frames = (int)((float)(MAX_FRAMES / 2) * fTesselFact); if (Frames < 5) Frames = 5; if (Frames > MAX_FRAMES) Frames = MAX_FRAMES; angleDelta = (float) ((2.0 * PI) / Frames); sinAngle = 0.0f; for (i = 0; i < Frames; i++) { genWin(&winMesh[i], &winStreamer[i]); sinAngle += angleDelta; } } void delWinScene() { int i; for (i = 0; i < Frames; i++) { delMesh(&winMesh[i]); delMesh(&winStreamer[i]); } } void updateWinScene(HWND hwnd, int flags) { MESH *mesh; MFACE *faces; int i; static double mxrot = 23.0; static double myrot = 23.0; static double mzrot = 5.7; static double mxrotInc = 0.0; static double myrotInc = 3.0; static double mzrotInc = 0.0; static int h = 0; static int frameNum = 0; POINT3D *pp; POINT3D *pn; int lastC, lastD; int aOffs, bOffs, cOffs, dOffs; int a, b; if (bColorCycle) { float r, g, b; HsvToRgb((float)h, 1.0f, 1.0f, &r, &g, &b); winColors[0].r = r; winColors[0].g = g; winColors[0].b = b; h++; h %= 360; } glLoadIdentity(); glRotatef((GLfloat) mxrot, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); glRotatef((GLfloat) myrot, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); glRotatef((GLfloat) mzrot, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); curMatl = 0; glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, (GLfloat *) &winColors[0]); glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, (GLfloat *) &matlBrightSpecular); glMaterialf(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, 60.0f); mesh = &winMesh[frameNum]; glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP); pp = mesh->pts; pn = mesh->norms; for (i = 0, faces = mesh->faces, lastC = faces->p[0], lastD = faces->p[1]; i < mesh->numFaces; i++, faces++) { a = faces->p[0]; b = faces->p[1]; if (!bSmoothShading) { if ((a != lastC) || (b != lastD)) { glNormal3fv((GLfloat *)&(faces - 1)->norm); glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pp + (lastC << 3) + (lastC << 2))); glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pp + (lastD << 3) + (lastD << 2))); glEnd(); glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP); } if (faces->material != curMatl) { curMatl = faces->material; glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, (GLfloat *) &matlNoSpecular); glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, (GLfloat *) &winColors[curMatl]); } glNormal3fv((GLfloat *)&faces->norm); glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pp + (a << 3) + (a << 2))); glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pp + (b << 3) + (b << 2))); } else { if ((a != lastC) || (b != lastD)) { cOffs = (lastC << 3) + (lastC << 2); dOffs = (lastD << 3) + (lastD << 2); glNormal3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pn + cOffs)); glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pp + cOffs)); glNormal3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pn + dOffs)); glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pp + dOffs)); glEnd(); glBegin(GL_QUAD_STRIP); } aOffs = (a << 3) + (a << 2); bOffs = (b << 3) + (b << 2); if (faces->material != curMatl) { curMatl = faces->material; glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, (GLfloat *) &matlNoSpecular); glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, (GLfloat *) &winColors[curMatl]); } glNormal3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pn + aOffs)); glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pp + aOffs)); glNormal3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pn + bOffs)); glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pp + bOffs)); } lastC = faces->p[3]; lastD = faces->p[2]; } if (!bSmoothShading) { glNormal3fv((GLfloat *)&(faces - 1)->norm); glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pp + (lastC << 3) + (lastC << 2))); glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pp + (lastD << 3) + (lastD << 2))); } else { cOffs = (lastC << 3) + (lastC << 2); dOffs = (lastD << 3) + (lastD << 2); glNormal3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pn + cOffs)); glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pp + cOffs)); glNormal3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pn + dOffs)); glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)((char *)pp + dOffs)); } glEnd(); glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, (GLfloat *) &matlDimSpecular); glBegin(GL_QUADS); mesh = &winStreamer[frameNum]; for (i = 0, faces = mesh->faces; i < mesh->numFaces; i++, faces++) { int a, b, c, d; a = faces->p[0]; b = faces->p[1]; c = faces->p[2]; d = faces->p[3]; if (faces->material != curMatl) { curMatl = faces->material; glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, (GLfloat *)&winColors[curMatl]); } glNormal3fv((GLfloat *)&faces->norm); glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)(mesh->pts + a)); glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)(mesh->pts + b)); glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)(mesh->pts + c)); glVertex3fv((GLfloat *)(mesh->pts + d)); } glEnd(); vShowBuffer(hwnd); mxrot += mxrotInc; myrot += myrotInc; mzrot += mzrotInc; if ((myrot < -45.0) || (myrot > 45.0)) myrotInc = -myrotInc; frameNum++; if (frameNum >= Frames) frameNum = 0; }