Summary of changes from version 1.6 to version 1.6a: - fixed a bug in the audio decoder which caused layer II joint stereo streams to hang the decoder Summary of changes from version 1.5 to version 1.6: - MCI driver added - manual frame rate control added - arbitrary scaling of window content supported (WinG only) - 'seek to frame' feature added (for MCI) - video format can now be reconfigured without having to restart playback - minor video speed improvements - audio decoder speed improved - synchronization now really uses audio and video timestamps (PTS/DTS) instead of assuming nominal speed and identical start time for video and audio - reduced memory requirements (by using much smaller IDCT tables) - modified inverse quantizer for improved image quality - program restructured as frontend + DLL (to simplify MCI support) - structural changes for efficient DCI support - fixed bug in decoding of very large IDCT coefficients which caused visible artifacts in some streams - no longer diplays an error message when WinG (or DCI) is not installed - no longer activates the program manager when quitting - fixed bugs in end of file detection (which caused some sequences to loop) --