Easy Icons 95 Registration v3.0 Registration $19.00 Mail To: Paul Traver P.O. Box 998 Bishop, Ca. 93515 Name:______________________________________________________________ Address1___________________________________________________________ Address2___________________________________________________________ Address3___________________________________________________________ City________________________________________State:________Zip:_____ Phone:_____________________________________________ Compuserve Number:_________________________________ Media Size (check one): 5.25________ 3.5________ HD__ DD__ Where did you obtain this software?________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Qty. Amount ______ UPGRADE version @ 5.00 ea._________ ______ 1 Copy @ 19.00 ea. _________ ______ 2 to 5 Copies @ 14.00 ea. _________ ______ 6 to 10 Copies @ 12.00 ea._________ ______ over 10 Copies @ 10.00 ea._________ Postage: Add $1.50 for U.S.Mail_________ TOTAL ------------> _________ You may register on Compuserve by typing GO SWREG. Then enter the product ID# 5269