WinZip(R) version 5.6a beta 3.0 Copyright (C) 1991-1995 Nico Mak Computing, Inc. All Rights Reserved See the file README.TXT for installation instructions. Items in the following list marked with an asterisk are new in beta 3. Note that the help has not yet been updated to mention all these features. If you are running Windows 95 please be sure to use the Win32 version for long filename support, etc. Windows 95-specific features include: * Extract an archive to any directory via drag and drop without leaving the Explorer. Use the right mouse button to drag and drop a ZIP from an Explorer window to any directory, then choose "Extract to" from the context menu. Remember to use the RIGHT mouse button while dragging. * Add selected file(s) to a ZIP directly from the Explorer. RIGHT-click on any file (or selected group of files) in the Explorer and choose "Add To Zip" from the context menu. This provides a function similar to the "Add" entry in the WinZip File Manager Extension. * Explorer-style Add dialog box. * The Delete Archive operation moves archives to the Recyle Bin rather than permanently deleting the archive. * The Rename, Copy, and Move operations use the Windows 95 "overwrite" user interface. * ZIPs opened with WinZip are properly added to the Start Menu->Documents menu. - Explorer-style New and Open dialog boxes. - Extract files from a ZIP in the Explorer by right-clicking on the ZIP and choosing "Extract To" from the context menu. - Create archives on the desktop by right-clicking on the desktop and choose "WinZip File" from the "New" context menu entry. - Uninstall WinZip using Control Panel->Add/Remove Applications. - WinZip uses the correct colors if you change color schemes. The WinZip toolbar buttons and status line colors will match the rest of your desktop. - The WinZip Options/Explorer Configuration dialog box lets you add WinZip to the Start menu. - Long filename support and Universal Naming Convention support. Additional Windows 95 features are under development. Stay tuned ... Known problems under Windows 95: a few people have reported problems running the optional external DOS programs while using 16-bit Windows video drivers. Also, the Windows 3.1 version of the Norton "FileAssist" program is incompatible with WinZip under Windows 95. If you use FileAssist be sure to configure it not to try to change WinZip dialog boxes. Other changes: * The File Manager Extension is now implemented under Windows/NT and Win32s. You will have to choose File Manager Configuration from the Options menu and check the second button to activate this feature. The File Manager Extension should work the same as it does under Windows 3.1. Windows 95 build 456 does not seem to support File Manager Extensions (even the Microsoft GUIGREP example program does not work), but presumably this will be changed in a future update to Windows 95. * WinZip now allows you to view multiple files in an archive without first closing the first file (earlier versions of WinZip restricted you to closing the first file before viewing the second file). Under Windows 95 the system "Quick View" program is normally used as the "Default Association" used to view to files not associated with another program. Here are some implementation details: when you double click on a file in an archive, WinZip extracts the file to the "Temp Directory" specified in the Options/Directories dialog box. WinZip then runs the program associated with the file so you can view the file. When you later close the archive WinZip deletes the temporary file(s). If the file(s) have been modified WinZip will give you an opportunity to update the archive with the modified file. The "Always on Top" flag is temporarily turned off if it is on when you view a file, and is turned back on the next time you activate WinZip. - The WinZip installation procedure now includes "Express Setup" and "Custom Setup" options. Custom Setup results in the "old" WinZip 5.6 behavior. Express Setup, the default, skips the Program Locations dialog box, the File Manager Configuration dialog box, and "Create Program Group" prompt. - With more and more people using the Internet, virus scanning is more important. As a result, WinZip's support for virus scanners has been improved. The virus scanner parameters field now supports two new special values: %d represents the directory containing the files to be scanned (without a trailing *.*), and %f represents a temporary "report" file. %wscan is a special parameter that should be used only for McAfee's WSCAN 2.14 and compatible scanners. WinZip now searches for and supplies default parameters four additional scanners: wscan, f-prot, tbscan, and wfindvir. The "Run as Iconized DOS Session If Possible" checkbox has been replaced with the "Run Minimized" checkbox, which is now used for both DOS and Windows scanners. - The number one new support problem in WinZip 5.6 was caused by the "TAR File LF to CR/LF Conversion". This option, intended for text files only, caused problems for binary files. The option has been replaced by the "TAR File Smart CR/LF Conversion" option. When this option is in effect WinZip determines whether to perform CR/LF conversion for each file by looking at the first 80 characters in the file. If the file is a text file then single LF and CR characters are converted to CR/LF pairs so the file can be viewed by Notepad and other Windows viewers. Text files are considered files where the first 80 bytes contain only characters with ascii values between 0x20 and 0x7f, carriage returns, line feeds, form feeds, tabs, and other alphanumeric characters (as determined by the Windows IsCharAlphaNumeric API). Comments on this new option are particularly appreciated. More minor changes are listed below. Some fixes are for problems that were introduced in previous beta versions. beta 3: - Uninstall deletes the winzip.gid and winzip.fts files (created by the Windows 95 help system). - Handle blanks in filenames of viewers. - WinZip correctly pops to the foreground after drag and drop from Explorer. - Fixed push button positioning problem when resizing internal viewer dialog box. beta 2: - WinZip 5.6a beta 2 extracts zero length files from all ZIPs created by any version of PKZIP or WinZip. It is possible that zero length files will not be extracted from some ZIPs created by some other ZIP utilities, but in no case will the user be worse off than with WinZip 5.6, which ignored zero length files in an effort to avoid potential problems with ZIP files other than those created by WinZip and PKZIP. - When first installed the Win32 version looks for WinZip registration numbers in the Windows directory of all fixed disks. This is done so that people who install Windows 95 to a new directory (e.g. c:\win95) and subsequently install WinZip don't have to worry about re-entering their registration info. - The Program Manager icon now says "WinZip 5.6a beta" instead of "5.6 beta". - The Win32 version works works under Windows/NT 3.5 (previous beta accidentally required the newer 3.51). - The Win32 version now properly cascades multiple WinZip windows. - The first time the Windows 3.1 version is run under Windows 95 it displays a message suggesting the user run the Win32 version. - The help file was updated a bit, but more Windows 95 info still needs to be added, and the order form etc have not yet been updated. beta 1: - Added WinZip Self-Extractor support in Program Locations dialog box - Handle very long directory names in File/Copy and File/Move dialogs - Avoid rare GP fault in "View Last Output" dialog box - Add a trailing dot to files with no extension before running external viewer - Do not save trailing dots on files w/no extension (for PKZIP compatibility) - Allow single dot as "extract to" directory - Fix problems in 16-bit version for files with very long filenames - Allow dots in pathnames in TAR files, e.g. ".\" - "File in use" check now properly handles foreign characters - Incorrect compression ratio was displayed for very large files - Changed the Windows 95 16x16 icon - Corrected behavior when user tries to close WinZip during install operation - Avoid delay in WinZip initialization if TEMP= directory does not exist *** the order form and other .txt files have not been updated yet *** ###