/* C source for GNU CHESS Revision: 1990-09-30 Daryl Baker Based on Ideas and code segments of Charles Petzold from artices in MicroSoft Systems Journal January 1990 Vol. 5 Number 1. This file is part of CHESS. CHESS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer to the CHESS General Public License for full details. Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute CHESS, but only under the conditions described in the CHESS General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been given to you along with CHESS so you can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all copies. */ #define NOATOM #define NOCLIPBOARD #define NOCREATESTRUCT #define NOFONT #define NOREGION #define NOSOUND #define NOWH #define NOWINOFFSETS #define NOCOMM #define NOKANJI #ifdef WIN32 #define _BASEETC #else #define _BASEETC _based(_segname("_CODE")) #endif #include #include #include #include #include "chess.h" #include "color.h" #define CBLACK RGB(0,0,0) #define BLUE RGB(0,0,255) #define GREEN RGB(0,255,0) #define CYAN RGB(128,255,255) #define RED RGB(255,0,0) #define PINK RGB(255,0,255) #define YELLOW RGB(255,255,0) #define PALEGRAY RGB(192,192,192) #define DARKGRAY RGB(127,127,127) #define DARKBLUE RGB(0,0,128) #define DARKGREEN RGB(0,128,0) #define DARKCYAN RGB(0,255,255) #define DARKRED RGB(128,0,0) #define DARKPINK RGB(255,0,128) #define BROWN RGB(128,128,64) #define CWHITE RGB(255,255,255) extern DWORD clrBackGround; extern DWORD clrBlackSquare; extern DWORD clrWhiteSquare; extern DWORD clrBlackPiece; extern DWORD clrWhitePiece; extern DWORD clrText; BOOL FAR PASCAL ColorDlgProc ( HWND hDlg, unsigned message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void SetStandardColors ( VOID ) { clrBackGround = BROWN; clrBlackSquare = DARKGREEN; clrWhiteSquare = PALEGRAY; clrBlackPiece = RED; clrWhitePiece = CWHITE; clrText = CBLACK; } static char _BASEETC lpChessini[] = "chess.ini"; static char _BASEETC lpBackGround[] = "BackGround"; static char _BASEETC lpBlackSquare[] = "BlackSquare"; static char _BASEETC lpWhiteSquare[] = "WhiteSquare"; static char _BASEETC lpBlackPiece[] = "BlackPiece"; static char _BASEETC lpWhitePiece[] = "WhitePiece"; static char _BASEETC lpDefault[] = "Default"; static char _BASEETC lpText[] = "Text"; static char np08lX[] = "%08lX"; void SaveColors ( LPSTR appname ) { char ostring[30]; wsprintf ( ostring, np08lX, clrBackGround); WritePrivateProfileString ( appname, lpBackGround,ostring,lpChessini); wsprintf ( ostring, np08lX, clrBlackSquare); WritePrivateProfileString ( appname, lpBlackSquare,ostring,lpChessini); wsprintf ( ostring, np08lX, clrWhiteSquare); WritePrivateProfileString ( appname, lpWhiteSquare,ostring,lpChessini); wsprintf ( ostring, np08lX, clrBlackPiece); WritePrivateProfileString ( appname, lpBlackPiece,ostring,lpChessini); wsprintf ( ostring, np08lX, clrWhitePiece); WritePrivateProfileString ( appname, lpWhitePiece,ostring,lpChessini); wsprintf ( ostring, np08lX, clrText); WritePrivateProfileString ( appname, lpText,ostring,lpChessini); } void GetStartupColors ( LPSTR appname ) { char istring[30]; SetStandardColors (); GetPrivateProfileString ( appname, lpBackGround,lpDefault,istring, sizeof(istring), lpChessini); if (_fstrcmp ( istring, lpDefault) != 0) sscanf ( istring, np08lX, &clrBackGround); GetPrivateProfileString ( appname, lpBlackSquare,lpDefault,istring, sizeof(istring), lpChessini); if (_fstrcmp ( istring, lpDefault) != 0) sscanf ( istring, np08lX, &clrBlackSquare); GetPrivateProfileString ( appname, lpWhiteSquare,lpDefault,istring, sizeof(istring), lpChessini); if (_fstrcmp ( istring, lpDefault) != 0) sscanf ( istring, np08lX, &clrWhiteSquare); GetPrivateProfileString ( appname, lpBlackPiece,lpDefault,istring, sizeof(istring), lpChessini); if (_fstrcmp ( istring, lpDefault) != 0) sscanf ( istring, np08lX, &clrBlackPiece); GetPrivateProfileString ( appname, lpWhitePiece,lpDefault,istring, sizeof(istring), lpChessini); if (_fstrcmp ( istring, lpDefault) != 0) sscanf ( istring, np08lX, &clrWhitePiece); GetPrivateProfileString ( appname, lpText,lpDefault,istring, sizeof(istring), lpChessini); if (_fstrcmp ( istring, lpDefault) != 0) sscanf ( istring, np08lX, &clrText); } int ColorDialog ( HWND hWnd, HANDLE hInst, DWORD Param ) { FARPROC lpProcColor; int status; lpProcColor = MakeProcInstance(ColorDlgProc, hInst); status = DialogBoxParam (hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(COLOR), hWnd, lpProcColor, Param); FreeProcInstance(lpProcColor); return status; } static int ColorToIndex ( DWORD color) { if (color == CBLACK ) return CNT_BLACK; else if ( color == BLUE) return CNT_BLUE; else if ( color == GREEN) return CNT_GREEN; else if ( color == CYAN) return CNT_CYAN; else if ( color == RED) return CNT_RED; else if ( color == PINK) return CNT_PINK; else if ( color == YELLOW) return CNT_YELLOW; else if ( color == PALEGRAY) return CNT_PALEGRAY; else if ( color == DARKGRAY) return CNT_DARKGRAY; else if ( color == DARKBLUE) return CNT_DARKBLUE; else if ( color == DARKGREEN) return CNT_DARKGREEN; else if ( color == DARKCYAN) return CNT_DARKCYAN; else if ( color == DARKRED) return CNT_DARKRED; else if ( color == DARKPINK) return CNT_DARKPINK; else if ( color == BROWN) return CNT_BROWN; else if ( color == CWHITE) return CNT_WHITE; return CNT_WHITE; } static DWORD IndexToColor ( int color) { if (color == CNT_BLACK ) return CBLACK; else if ( color == CNT_BLUE) return BLUE; else if ( color == CNT_GREEN) return GREEN; else if ( color == CNT_CYAN) return CYAN; else if ( color == CNT_RED) return RED; else if ( color == CNT_PINK) return PINK; else if ( color == CNT_YELLOW) return YELLOW; else if ( color == CNT_PALEGRAY) return PALEGRAY; else if ( color == CNT_DARKGRAY) return DARKGRAY; else if ( color == CNT_DARKBLUE) return DARKBLUE; else if ( color == CNT_DARKGREEN) return DARKGREEN; else if ( color == CNT_DARKCYAN) return DARKCYAN; else if ( color == CNT_DARKRED) return DARKRED; else if ( color == CNT_DARKPINK) return DARKPINK; else if ( color == CNT_BROWN) return BROWN; else if ( color == CNT_WHITE) return CWHITE; return RGB(255,0,0); } static char _BASEETC lpWBGC[] ="Window background color"; static char _BASEETC lpBS[] ="Black square color"; static char _BASEETC lpWS[] ="White square color"; static char _BASEETC lpBP[] ="Black piece color"; static char _BASEETC lpWP[] ="White piece color"; static char _BASEETC lpTX[] ="Text color"; static DWORD *pclr; static int index; BOOL FAR PASCAL ColorDlgProc ( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { char far *pchHeading; switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: /* message: initialize dialog box */ switch (lParam){ default: case IDM_BACKGROUND: pchHeading = (char far *) lpWBGC; pclr = &clrBackGround; break; case IDM_BLACKSQUARE: pchHeading = (char far *)lpBS; pclr = &clrBlackSquare; break; case IDM_WHITESQUARE: pchHeading = (char far *)lpWS; pclr = &clrWhiteSquare; break; case IDM_BLACKPIECE: pchHeading = (char far *) lpBP; pclr = &clrBlackPiece; break; case IDM_WHITEPIECE: pchHeading = (char far *) lpWP; pclr = &clrWhitePiece; break; case IDM_TEXT: pchHeading = (char far *) lpTX; pclr = &clrText; break; } SetDlgItemText ( hDlg, IDD_HEADING, pchHeading); index = ColorToIndex ( *pclr); CheckRadioButton ( hDlg, CNT_BLACK, CNT_WHITE, index); return (TRUE); case WM_COMMAND: /* message: received a command */ switch (wParam) { case IDD_OK: EndDialog(hDlg, 1); *pclr = IndexToColor (index); return TRUE; case IDD_CANCEL: EndDialog(hDlg, (int)NULL); return TRUE; case CNT_BLACK: case CNT_BLUE: case CNT_GREEN: case CNT_CYAN: case CNT_RED: case CNT_PINK: case CNT_YELLOW: case CNT_PALEGRAY: case CNT_DARKGRAY: case CNT_DARKBLUE: case CNT_DARKGREEN: case CNT_DARKCYAN: case CNT_DARKRED: case CNT_DARKPINK: case CNT_BROWN: case CNT_WHITE: index = wParam; CheckRadioButton ( hDlg, CNT_BLACK, CNT_WHITE, index); break; } break; } return (FALSE); /* Didn't process a message */ }