/* C source for GNU CHESS Revision: 1990-09-30 Modified by Daryl Baker for use in MS WINDOWS environment Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Copyright (c) 1988, 1989, 1990 John Stanback This file is part of CHESS. CHESS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer to the CHESS General Public License for full details. Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute CHESS, but only under the conditions described in the CHESS General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been given to you along with CHESS so you can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all copies. */ #define NOATOM #define NOCLIPBOARD #define NOCREATESTRUCT #define NOFONT #define NOREGION #define NOSOUND #define NOWH #define NOWINOFFSETS #define NOCOMM #define NOKANJI #include #include #include #include #include "gnuchess.h" #include "defs.h" #include "chess.h" #ifdef WIN32 #define _BASEETC #else #define _BASEETC _based(_segname("_CODE")) #endif static short _BASEETC Stboard[64] = {rook, knight, bishop, queen, king, bishop, knight, rook, pawn, pawn, pawn, pawn, pawn, pawn, pawn, pawn, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, pawn, pawn, pawn, pawn, pawn, pawn, pawn, pawn, rook, knight, bishop, queen, king, bishop, knight, rook}; static short _BASEETC Stcolor[64] = {white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black}; int mycntl1, mycntl2; char mvstr[4][6]; long evrate; int PositionFlag = 0; #define pxx " PNBRQK" #define qxx " pnbrqk" void TerminateSearch (int), Die (int); void Initialize (void) { mycntl1 = mycntl2 = 0; } void ExitChess (void) { } void Die (int Sig) { } void TerminateSearch (int Sig) { flag.timeout = true; flag.bothsides = false; } void algbr (short int f, short int t, short int flag) /* Generate move strings in different formats. */ { int m3p; if (f != t) { /* algebraic notation */ mvstr[0][0] = (char) ('a'+column (f)); mvstr[0][1] = (char) ('1'+row (f)); mvstr[0][2] = (char) ('a'+column (t)); mvstr[0][3] = (char) ('1'+row (t)); mvstr[0][4] = mvstr[3][0] = '\0'; if ((mvstr[1][0] = pxx[board[f]]) == 'P') { if (mvstr[0][0] == mvstr[0][2]) /* pawn did not eat */ { mvstr[2][0] = mvstr[1][0] = mvstr[0][2]; /* to column */ mvstr[2][1] = mvstr[1][1] = mvstr[0][3]; /* to row */ m3p = 2; } else /* pawn ate */ { mvstr[2][0] = mvstr[1][0] = mvstr[0][0]; /* from column */ mvstr[2][1] = mvstr[1][1] = mvstr[0][2]; /* to column */ mvstr[2][2] = mvstr[0][3]; m3p = 3; /* to row */ } mvstr[2][m3p] = mvstr[1][2] = '\0'; if (flag & promote) { mvstr[0][4] = mvstr[1][2] = mvstr[2][m3p] = qxx[flag & pmask]; mvstr[1][3] = mvstr[2][m3p + 1] = mvstr[0][5] = '\0'; } } else /* not a pawn */ { mvstr[2][0] = mvstr[1][0]; mvstr[2][1] = mvstr[0][1]; mvstr[2][2] = mvstr[1][1] = mvstr[0][2]; /* to column */ mvstr[2][3] = mvstr[1][2] = mvstr[0][3]; /* to row */ mvstr[2][4] = mvstr[1][3] = '\0'; strcpy (mvstr[3], mvstr[2]); mvstr[3][1] = mvstr[0][0]; if (flag & cstlmask) { if (t > f) { strcpy (mvstr[1], "o-o"); strcpy (mvstr[2], "O-O"); } else { strcpy (mvstr[1], "o-o-o"); strcpy (mvstr[2], "O-O-O"); } } } } else mvstr[0][0] = mvstr[1][0] = mvstr[2][0] = mvstr[3][0] = '\0'; } int VerifyMove (HWND hWnd, char *s, short int iop, short unsigned int *mv) /* Compare the string 's' to the list of legal moves available for the opponent. If a match is found, make the move on the board. */ { static short pnt, tempb, tempc, tempsf, tempst, cnt; static struct leaf xnode; struct leaf far *node; *mv = 0; if (iop == 2) { UnmakeMove (opponent, &xnode, &tempb, &tempc, &tempsf, &tempst); return (false); } cnt = 0; MoveList (opponent, 2); pnt = TrPnt[2]; while (pnt < TrPnt[3]) { node = &Tree[pnt++]; algbr (node->f, node->t, (short) node->flags); if (strcmp (s, mvstr[0]) == 0 || strcmp (s, mvstr[1]) == 0 || strcmp (s, mvstr[2]) == 0 || strcmp (s, mvstr[3]) == 0) { cnt++; xnode = *node; } } if (cnt == 1) { MakeMove (opponent, &xnode, &tempb, &tempc, &tempsf, &tempst, &INCscore); if (SqAtakd (PieceList[opponent][0], computer)) { UnmakeMove (opponent, &xnode, &tempb, &tempc, &tempsf, &tempst); SMessageBox (hWnd, IDS_ILLEGALMOVE, IDS_CHESS); return (false); } else { if (iop == 1) return (true); UpdateDisplay (hWnd, xnode.f, xnode.t, 0, (short) xnode.flags); if ((board[xnode.t] == pawn) || (xnode.flags & capture) || (xnode.flags & cstlmask)) { Game50 = GameCnt; ZeroRPT (); } GameList[GameCnt].depth = GameList[GameCnt].score = 0; GameList[GameCnt].nodes = 0; ElapsedTime (1); GameList[GameCnt].time = (short) et; TimeControl.clock[opponent] -= et; --TimeControl.moves[opponent]; *mv = (xnode.f << 8) | xnode.t; algbr (xnode.f, xnode.t, false); return (true); } } if (cnt > 1) SMessageBox (hWnd, IDS_AMBIGUOUSMOVE, IDS_CHESS); return (false); } void ElapsedTime (short int iop) /* Determine the time that has passed since the search was started. If the elapsed time exceeds the target (ResponseTime+ExtraTime) then set timeout to true which will terminate the search. */ { et = time ((long *) 0) - time0; if (et < 0) et = 0; ETnodes += 50; if (et > et0 || iop == 1) { if (et > ResponseTime + ExtraTime && Sdepth > 1) flag.timeout = true; et0 = et; if (iop == 1) { time0 = time ((long *) 0); et0 = 0; } if (et > 0) /* evrate used to be Nodes / cputime I dont` know why */ evrate = NodeCnt / (et + ft); else evrate = 0; ETnodes = NodeCnt + 50; UpdateClocks (); } } void SetTimeControl (void) { if (TCflag) { TimeControl.moves[white] = TimeControl.moves[black] = TCmoves; TimeControl.clock[white] = TimeControl.clock[black] = 60 * (long) TCminutes; } else { TimeControl.moves[white] = TimeControl.moves[black] = 0; TimeControl.clock[white] = TimeControl.clock[black] = 0; Level = 60 * (long) TCminutes; } et = 0; ElapsedTime (1); } void GetGame (HWND hWnd, char *fname) { FILE *fd; int c; short sq; unsigned short m; struct GameRec tmp_rec; if ((fd = fopen (fname, "r")) == NULL) { SMessageBox (hWnd, IDS_LOADFAILED, IDS_CHESS); return; } fscanf (fd, "%hd%hd%hd", &computer, &opponent, &Game50); fscanf (fd, "%hd%hd", &castld[white], &castld[black]); fscanf (fd, "%hd%hd", &TCflag, &OperatorTime); fscanf (fd, "%ld%ld%hd%hd", &TimeControl.clock[white], &TimeControl.clock[black], &TimeControl.moves[white], &TimeControl.moves[black]); for (sq = 0; sq < 64; sq++) { fscanf (fd, "%hd%hd", &m, &Mvboard[sq]); board[sq] = (m >> 8); color[sq] = (m & 0xFF); if (color[sq] == 0) color[sq] = neutral; else --color[sq]; } GameCnt = 0; c = '?'; while (c != EOF) { ++GameCnt; c = fscanf (fd, "%hd%hd%hd%ld%hd%hd%hd", &tmp_rec.gmove, &tmp_rec.score, &tmp_rec.depth, &tmp_rec.nodes, &tmp_rec.time, &tmp_rec.piece, &tmp_rec.color); GameList[GameCnt] = tmp_rec; if (GameList[GameCnt].color == 0) GameList[GameCnt].color = neutral; else --GameList[GameCnt].color; } GameCnt--; if (TimeControl.clock[white] > 0) TCflag = true; computer--; opponent--; fclose (fd); InitializeStats (); Sdepth = 0; UpdateDisplay (hWnd, 0, 0, 1, 0); } void SaveGame (HWND hWnd, char *fname) { FILE *fd; short sq, i, c; if (NULL == (fd = fopen (fname, "w"))) { ShowMessage (hWnd, "Not saved"); return; } fprintf (fd, "%d %d %d\n", computer + 1, opponent + 1, Game50); fprintf (fd, "%d %d\n", castld[white], castld[black]); fprintf (fd, "%d %d\n", TCflag, OperatorTime); fprintf (fd, "%ld %ld %d %d\n", TimeControl.clock[white], TimeControl.clock[black], TimeControl.moves[white], TimeControl.moves[black]); for (sq = 0; sq < 64; sq++) { if (color[sq] == neutral) c = 0; else c = color[sq] + 1; fprintf (fd, "%d %d\n", 256 * board[sq] + c, Mvboard[sq]); } for (i = 1; i <= GameCnt; i++) { if (GameList[i].color == neutral) c = 0; else c = GameList[i].color + 1; fprintf (fd, "%d %d %d %ld %d %d %d\n", GameList[i].gmove, GameList[i].score, GameList[i].depth, GameList[i].nodes, GameList[i].time, GameList[i].piece, c); } fclose (fd); } void ListGame (HWND hWnd, char *fname) { FILE *fd; short i, f, t; if ( (fd = fopen (fname, "w")) == NULL) { ShowMessage (hWnd, "Cannot write chess.lst"); return; } fprintf (fd, "\n"); fprintf (fd, " score depth nodes time "); fprintf (fd, " score depth nodes time\n"); for (i = 1; i <= GameCnt; i++) { f = GameList[i].gmove >> 8; t = (GameList[i].gmove & 0xFF); algbr (f, t, false); fprintf (fd, "%5s %5d %2d %7ld %5d", mvstr[0], GameList[i].score, GameList[i].depth, GameList[i].nodes, GameList[i].time); if ((i % 2) == 0) fprintf (fd, "\n"); else fprintf (fd, " "); } fprintf (fd, "\n\n"); fclose (fd); } void Undo (HWND hWnd) /* Undo the most recent half-move. */ { short f, t; f = GameList[GameCnt].gmove >> 8; t = GameList[GameCnt].gmove & 0xFF; if (board[t] == king && distance (t, f) > 1) (void) castle (GameList[GameCnt].color, f, t, 2); else { /* Check for promotion: */ if ((color[t] == white && row (f) == 6 && row (t) == 7) || (color[t] == black && row (f) == 1 && row (t) == 0)) { int g, from = f; for (g = GameCnt - 1; g > 0; g--) if (GameList[g].gmove & 0xFF == from) from = GameList[g].gmove >> 8; if ((color[t] == white && row (from) == 1) || (color[t] == black && row (from) == 6)) board[t] = pawn; } board[f] = board[t]; color[f] = color[t]; board[t] = GameList[GameCnt].piece; color[t] = GameList[GameCnt].color; if (color[t] != neutral) Mvboard[t]--; Mvboard[f]--; } if (TCflag) ++TimeControl.moves[color[f]]; GameCnt--; computer = otherside[computer]; opponent = otherside[opponent]; flag.mate = false; Sdepth = 0; UpdateDisplay (hWnd, 0, 0, 1, 0); InitializeStats (); }