/* C source for GNU CHESS Revision: 1990-09-30 Modified by Daryl Baker for use in MS WINDOWS environment Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Copyright (c) 1988, 1989, 1990 John Stanback This file is part of CHESS. CHESS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer to the CHESS General Public License for full details. Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute CHESS, but only under the conditions described in the CHESS General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been given to you along with CHESS so you can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all copies. */ #define NOATOM #define NOCLIPBOARD #define NOCREATESTRUCT #define NOSOUND #define NOWH #define NOCOMM #define NOKANJI #include #include #include #include "gnuchess.h" #include "chess.h" #include "defs.h" #include "stats.h" extern short boarddraw[64]; extern short colordraw[64]; extern char mvstr[4][6]; extern long evrate; static char* ColorStr[2] = {"White", "Black"}; void ShowPlayers (void) { /* display in the status line what color the computer is playing */ SetWindowText ( hComputerColor, (computer == black) ? "Computer is black" : "Computer is white" ); } void ShowDepth (char ch) { char tmp[30]; if ( hStats ) { wsprintf ( tmp, "%d%c", Sdepth, ch); SetDlgItemText ( hStats, DEPTHTEXT, tmp); } } void ShowScore (short score) { char tmp[30]; if ( hStats) { wsprintf ( tmp, "%d",score); SetDlgItemText ( hStats, SCORETEXT, tmp); } } void ShowMessage (HWND hWnd, char *s) { MessageBox ( hWnd, s, "Chess", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_APPLMODAL); } void SMessageBox ( HWND hWnd, int str_num, int str1_num ) { char str[80], str1[20]; #ifdef WIN32 LoadString ( (HINSTANCE)GetWindowLong(hWnd,GWL_HINSTANCE), str_num, str, sizeof ( str ) ); LoadString ( (HINSTANCE)GetWindowLong(hWnd,GWL_HINSTANCE), str1_num, str1, sizeof ( str1 ) ); #else LoadString ( GetWindowWord(hWnd,GWW_HINSTANCE), str_num, str, sizeof ( str ) ); LoadString ( GetWindowWord(hWnd,GWW_HINSTANCE), str1_num, str1, sizeof ( str1 ) ); #endif MessageBox ( hWnd, str, str1, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_APPLMODAL ); } void ClearMessage (void) { } void ShowCurrentMove (short int pnt, short int f, short int t) { char tmp[30]; if ( hStats) { algbr (f, t, false); wsprintf ( tmp, "(%2d) %4s",pnt, (char far *)mvstr[0]); SetDlgItemText ( hStats, POSITIONTEXT, tmp); } } void ShowSidetoMove (void) { char tmp[30]; wsprintf ( tmp, "It is %s's turn",(char far*)ColorStr[player]); SetWindowText ( hWhosTurn, (LPSTR) tmp); } void ShowPrompt (void) { } void ShowNodeCnt (long int NodeCnt, long int evrate) { char tmp[40]; if ( hStats ) { wsprintf ( tmp,"%-8ld", NodeCnt); SetDlgItemText ( hStats, NODETEXT, tmp); wsprintf ( tmp,"%-5ld", evrate); SetDlgItemText ( hStats, NODESECTEXT, tmp); } } void ShowResults (short int score, short unsigned int *bstline, char ch) { unsigned char d, ply; char str[300]; int s; if (flag.post) { ShowDepth (ch); ShowScore (score); d = 7; s = 0; for (ply = 1; bstline[ply] > 0; ply++) { algbr ((short) bstline[ply] >> 8, (short) bstline[ply] & 0xFF, false); if ( ply==5 || ply==9 || ply==13 || ply==17) s += wsprintf ( str+s,"\n"); s += wsprintf ( str+s,"%-5s ", (char far *) mvstr[0]); } SetDlgItemText ( hStats, BSTLINETEXT, (LPSTR) str); } } void SearchStartStuff (short int side) { } void OutputMove (HWND hWnd) { char tmp[30]; UpdateDisplay (hWnd, root->f, root->t, 0, (short) root->flags); wsprintf ( tmp, "My move is %s",(char far *) mvstr[0]); SetWindowText ( hComputerMove, tmp); if (root->flags & draw) SMessageBox ( hWnd, IDS_DRAWGAME,IDS_CHESS); else if (root->score == -9999) SMessageBox ( hWnd, IDS_YOUWIN, IDS_CHESS); else if (root->score == 9998) SMessageBox ( hWnd, IDS_COMPUTERWIN,IDS_CHESS); else if (root->score < -9000) SMessageBox ( hWnd, IDS_MATESOON,IDS_CHESS); else if (root->score > 9000) SMessageBox ( hWnd, IDS_COMPMATE,IDS_CHESS); if (flag.post) { ShowNodeCnt (NodeCnt, evrate); /* for (i = 1999; i >= 0 && Tree[i].f == 0 && Tree[i].t == 0; i--); printz ("Max Tree= %5d", i); */ } } void UpdateClocks (void) { short m, s; char tmp[20]; m = (short) (et / 60); s = (short) (et - 60 * (long) m); if (TCflag) { m = (short) ((TimeControl.clock[player] - et) / 60); s = (short) (TimeControl.clock[player] - et - 60 * (long) m); } if (m < 0) m = 0; if (s < 0) s = 0; wsprintf ( tmp, "%0d:%02d",m,s); if ( player == white ) { SetWindowText (hClockHuman, tmp); } else { SetWindowText (hClockComputer, tmp); } if (flag.post) ShowNodeCnt (NodeCnt, evrate); } void ShowPostnValue (short int sq) { } void ShowPostnValues (void) { } void DrawPiece ( HWND hWnd, short int f ) { POINT aptl[4]; HRGN hRgn; int x,y; if ( flag.reverse ) { x = 7-(f%8); y = 7-(f/8); } else { x = f%8; y = f/8; } QuerySqCoords ( x,y, aptl+0); hRgn = CreatePolygonRgn( aptl, 4, WINDING); InvalidateRgn ( hWnd, hRgn, FALSE ); DeleteObject ( hRgn); } void UpdateDisplay (HWND hWnd, short int f, short int t, short int redraw, short int isspec) { short sq; for (sq=0; sq<64; sq++) { boarddraw[sq] = board[sq]; colordraw[sq] = color[sq]; } if (redraw){ InvalidateRect ( hWnd, NULL, TRUE); ShowPlayers (); UpdateWindow ( hWnd ); } else { DrawPiece (hWnd, f); DrawPiece (hWnd, t); if (isspec & cstlmask) if (t > f) { DrawPiece (hWnd, f + 3); DrawPiece (hWnd, t - 1); } else { DrawPiece (hWnd, f - 4); DrawPiece (hWnd, t + 1); } else if (isspec & epmask) { DrawPiece (hWnd, t - 8); DrawPiece (hWnd, t + 8); } UpdateWindow (hWnd); } } void GiveHint (HWND hWnd) { char s[40]; algbr ((short) (hint >> 8), (short) (hint & 0xFF), false); strcpy (s, "try "); strcat (s, mvstr[0]); ShowMessage (hWnd, s); }