Microsoft Internet Mail is the Internet Messaging Extensions for Microsoft Exchange for Microsoft Windows 95. Microsoft Internet Mail provides Windows 95 users easy and direct access to the Internet mailing community. Microsoft Internet Mail requires that the mail servers run both SMTP and POP3. INT-MAIL.EXE is a self extracting file which will expand itself into the following files: README.TXT (This file) MINET32.DLL INETUI32.DLL R66AB32.DLL ISO88591.TRN NORWEG.TRN SWEDISH.TRN USASCII.TRN INT-MAIL.HLP INT-MAIL.CNT SETUP.BAT ADDMINM8.exe R[KW1]equirements: In order to install Microsoft Internet Mail, the following requirements need to be met: 1) TCP/IP must be installed as one of the network protocols. 2) Microsoft Exchange for Microsoft Window 95 must be installed on the system. Setup: To set up Microsoft Internet Mail, run SETUP.BAT from the directory where all the files are located. You will need to give your Windows 95 directory as an argument while running SETUP.BAT. Other features: 1) Microsoft Internet Mail allows users to connect to their Internet Service Provider via PPP connection provided by Microsoft Window 95. 2) Remote Preview features can be used to preview the message headers before downloading the mail from the server. [KW1]