updates 10/94 as per a users recommendation the wait cursor was changed from an hourglass to one which indicates better that operations can occur when others are pending also after a little work a makefile for an AXP version is provided along with an AXp excutable. Since not much has really changed other than this the version number has not been updated for now.. Also note that you can run multiple copies of wsftp32 without any problems... This is not made clear anywhere in the documentation.... In the cards resizing of the dir/file windows.... Any other user comments welcome.... updates 10/25 version found bug with very long file names ie. over 35 chars that would cause them not to be sent correctly or cause an access violation.. fixed the problem. 12/15 version fixed bug with case preservation so sends files in both upper and lower case. This was necessary so that when going to unix systems case would be preserved. Previously everything was lower case while with microsoft ftp puts everything in upper case. Added support for os2 ftp server new type.. new makefile and recompiled with vc++ 2.0 for nt. 12/26 version Noticed that for unix links it was displaying the eventual path ie test -> /bs/test it would display /bs/test this was confusing, also for a link to ./somename or ../somename it would not display anything. Changed code so it now displays the link name instead of the final path and also works correctly with links to .. and . (axp version is out of date till I get someone to recompile it.)