Bitness: Module Monitor for Win95 build 189 by Mark Gamber Bitness is a set of two small programs designed to find and display loaded modules, whether 16 or 32 bit and the global module usage count. To use Bitness, copy BITNESS.EXE and BNS16.EXE to a common directory and start BITNESS.EXE. Press "Refresh" to redisplay loaded modules at any time. The listbox shows the module filename, whether 16 or 32 bit and the system usage count on the module at the time of the scan. Note that because a 32 bit application can only "see" 32 bit modules and 16 bit applications can only "see" 16 bit modules, there are actually two applications working together to complete the display. Do not launch BNS16.EXE by's only the 16 bit "helper" end of the application. Also, since it's possible for Bitness to display modules before the 16 bit end is ready, there may be an occasional display of only 32 bit modules. Simply press "Refresh" to make sure both 16 and 32 bit modules are displayed. In using this program, the user assumes full responsibility for it's proper use. No guarentees are implied by the author. The user may not hold the author liable for any loss or damage. If unable to comply with this restriction, the software may not be used and must be destroyed immediately.