================================================================================ Registry Search & Replace (REGSRCH.EXE) v1.00 (C) 1995 Steven J. Hoek Software Development ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-1-95 v1.00 Registry Search & Replace (REGSRCH.EXE) is a Win32 utility which can be used to simplify maintenance of the Windows NT 3.5 and Windows 95 registration databases (the "registry"). For more complete information on what this utility offers, how to use it, or about its author, see the accompanying help file. To install, move the file CTL3D32.DLL to the \SYSTEM32 directory. If a file exists there already, compare the date and time and only replace the file if the version included with Registry Search & Replace is newer. Place the other files (REGSRCH.*) in any directory of your choice. Optionally, you can add a icon to a Program Manager group to make access to the utility easier. Note that this utility was designed to run on systems with screen resolutions of 1024x768 or higher. Hopefully you will find this utility useful. If so, look for some of my other utilities on CompuServe, or drop a note to the CompuServe or Internet address listed below. Thanks! Steve Hoek Steven J. Hoek Software Development CIS : 72674,326 Internet: 72674.326@compuserve.com shoek@ix.netcom.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Other utilities by Steven J. Hoek Software Development: Subgroup v1.10 A Win16 utility that enables you to have nested groups in Program Manager. Note that it does not replace PROGMAN.EXE, but rather integrates closely with it. A Win32 version is in the works! "Donation-ware" ($10). CIS: GO WINSHARE, GO WINUSER CICA: win3/desktop Registry Search & Replace v1.00 A Win32 utility that simplifies the maintenance of the Windows NT 3.5 registration databases. The user can search for data in the registry, and optionally replace and/or log the matches. RegSearch is safe, automated, and thorough. Also works with Windows 95! "Donation-ware" ($10). CIS: GO WINSHARE, GO WINUSER, GO MSWIN32 CICA: win3/nt Version Information Viewer v1.00 A Win32 utility that displayes the VERSIONINFO resource contained in Win32 PE-type files. Free! CIS: GO WINSHARE, GO WINUSER, GO MSWIN32 CICA: win3/nt ===============================================================================