MPEGPLAY V1.61 (c) 1993,1994 Michael Simmons Please READ ALL of this file! This is Release Version 1.61 of my port of the Berkeley mpeg player. Note this version requires the WIN32s V1.15a Windows(tm) Extender. Also this version will only work under (beta 612) of Windows NT(tm) V3.5 or later. Features added in this version include (1) Support for MPEG1 System Layer files (you don't have to split them now). (2) Support for the Microsoft(tm) WinG(tm) Windows(tm) gaming library. (3) Improved colours for the Ordered and 2x2 Order dithers. (4) "Save As" For all the Mosaic Users. (5) Improved Error handling for corrupt/non standard mpeg files. (6) Support for CDI(tm) and VideoCD Streams. Either as an extracted MPEG sequence or as a RAW CDROM grab. (7) Recompiled using the Microsoft Daytona(tm?) (beta 612) SDK Compiler. Please Email me with any suggestions you may have on improving the player! (See the section CONTACTING ME). This player can play standard mpeg files that include P and B frame encoding, and large 354x288 movie files. It has several display options including mono, gray scale, color dither and Full colour (for Hicolor graphic cards). 8MB of Ram or greater is recommended if large Image size MPEG files are played. This program is SHAREWARE Please read the REGISTER.TXT file for information on registering your copy. To install the player. If you don't have Win32s V1.15a installed, install it first. Unzip the file to a floppy disk. Then run the setup.exe file via the Progman File-Run Menu Item. Note: This will also install the Microsoft WinG(tm) extensions to Windows(tm) Should you wish to remove these extensions at a later date please refer to the section near the end of this Readme.txt file. Read the Disclaimer in the online Help before loading any mpeg movie files. The latest version of this software can be found first on in the /users/michael directory. UNREGISTERED VERSION LIMITATIONS: The unregistered version will display the About box at startup. IT WILL ALSO NOT HANDLE FILES BIGGER THAN 1MB! DISTRIBUTION: The Unregistered Version of the Player may be freely Re-Distributed so long as (1) None of the files are modified. (2) All files in this archive are re-distributed together. (3) None of the files are removed from this archive. (4) It is clearly stated that this program is Shareware, extended use of which requires payment to myself Michael Simmons as described in the players about box and the REGISTER.TXT file. (5) If any additional files are added it must be clearly stated which files have been added, who added these files and why!. It must be stated that I "Michael Simmons" am in no way responsible for these additional files. (6) None of the added files can instruct the user or modify the player in any way possible to enable the Unregistered Version Limitations to be overcome. The Registered Version may only be Re-Distributed with my written approval. KNOWN BUGS: The player does not like certain PD/Shareware desktop addons (Clocks etc). A small number of people are getting a GPF in POINTER.DLL. If you have this problem and solve it please contact me. So far I can not reproduce the fault. The player does not multitask while scanning a file to determine whether or not it is a system layer or straight video file. This is only a problem on large misaligned RAW CDI or VideoCD grabs. RAW CDI or VideoCD grabs have only be tested on 4 CDI Disks. Given the variation found between these disks I would not be surprised if there are problems with some disks. If you are having a problem with a certain CDI/VideoCD disk please send a copy (both original CD's) of it to me. If I don't already have it I will treat it as a registration fee. If you have a problem and are really stuck try and find a machine on which it works and compare the two configurations. If you really really get stuck then see the section CONTACTING ME. CHANGE LOG: (there is more to read after this section) Changes V1.0 -> V1.2 (1) Re complied using the latest (March) WIN32 Beta. (2) Includes the latest (March) Win32s windows 3.1 extension. (3) Fix bug in finding help file. The working directory can now be different to the Command Line directory. (4) Increase number of clicks at startup to 4 Changes V1.2 -> 1.25 (1) Major rewrite of source code to clean up bugs (2) Now saves options in a .ini file (3) Can split a multi stream MPEG into separate files. (4) Loop is now a separate option (5) Can be set to skip over B and P frames ( best to stop and rewind player 1st) (6) Decrease the number of About Box clicks to one (7) Can started via the file manager (associate .mpg with the player) (7b) Also startable from other applications i.e. NCSA Mosaic. (8) Recompiled with the release version of the Visual C++ for NT compiler (9) includes the Win32s version 1.1 files (10) Can change InputBufferSize in .ini file (i.e. InputBufferSize=80000) (11) Don't have to Close MPEG before OPEN ing (12) MPEG images are properly clipped when they are displayed (13) Hopefully no one will have any display problems now (try Use Small DIBS) Changes V1.25 -> V1.30 (1) Increased speed 10-20% (mainly P B frames and gray, Full/Hi Color dither). (2) Fixed bug, old mpegs causing exceptions (bus.mpg,flower.mpg,flowb.mpg etc). (3) Decreased the memory usage. (4) Added HiColor Dither (Uses 16 Bit DIBS,These are not supported by many drivers yet, NT emulates support in the GDI). (5) Dropped Fs2 and Fs4 dither (use Fs2Fast) Changes V1.30 -> V1.50 (1) Added Push button, VCR like controls. (2) Now has a Separate Video Window. (3) Automatically Displays the 1st frame of the MPEG. (4) Redraws the current frame when needed. (5) Displays MPEG File Name, Image Dimensions and File Size in Video Caption (6) Saves all window positions correctly when exiting. (7) Detects when saved windows position is off the screen. (8) Added Experimental Set+Blt Mode for transferring images to the screen. Changes V1.50 -> V1.60 (1) Support for MPEG1 System Layer files (you don't have to split them now). (2) Support for the Microsoft(tm) WinG(tm) Windows(tm) gaming library. (3) Improve colors for the Ordered and 2x2 Order dithers. (4) "Save As" For all the Mosaic Users. (5) Improve Error handling for corrupt/non standard mpeg files. (6) Support for CDI(tm) and VideoCD Streams. Either as an extracted MPEG sequence or as a RAW CDROM grab. (7) Recompiled using the Daytona (beta 612) SDK Compiler. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: This code was derived from the U.C. Berkeley MPEG Player (version 2.0) developed by L.A. Rowe, K. Patel, and B. Smith (Rowe@CS.Berkeley.EDU). Permission to use their code in this Sharware product was obtained. THAT code included the following copyright: /* * Copyright (c) 1992 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without written agreement is * hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and the following * two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF THE UNIVERSITY OF * CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANT ABILITY * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION TO * PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. */ /* OTHER ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Frank Gadegast (the MPEG FAQ Maintainer) for his helpful suggestions. Many others for their suggestions and support. PATENTS: Should this player infringe on a patent held by someone somewhere. Please contact me as soon as possible. See the section CONTACTING ME CONTACTING ME: In any correspondence please clearly state your email and snail mail addresses! I have been receiving a large number of emails. In-order to handle these efficiently I would ask that you note the following: (1) If possible look on in /users/michael/faq.txt first. (2) Mark all emails that do not require a reply "No Reply Expected". I will READ THESE! (3) Bounced replies due to incorrect email addresses (unless obvious) will not be chased up! Email to Talk to (8:30am to 5:00pm WA time). Phone to (Int)+ 61 9 344 1998 (Home number with answering machine) Don't automatically expect me to ring outside of Western Australia. I can be contacted via snail mail to PO Box 506,NEDLANDS WA 6009,AUSTRALIA NOTE None of the source code to this player is on any of the machines connected to the net via the University of Western Australia. IF someone on network news is flaming me or my port of the player. Please Email me about it. OTHER INFO: There is another mpeg player for windows available for free from in /pub/cfogg/mpeg2 as I have nothing to do with this player. None of the source for that player is related to mine. All of the money from registration is being spent on tools and hardware to improve the player and further my knowledge of MPEG and programming. This player is written and maintained in my free time. It is in no-way related to the University of Western Australia. They have indicated they have no interest in the player or its copyright. The Source to this player is NOT Available! HOW TO REMOVE THE WIN32s EXTENSIONS to WINDOWS(tm) (1) exit to DOS. (2) backup your hard disk. (3) delete the Win32s directory and all its files. (4) edit the system.ini file in the window directory. and remove the line device=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WIN32S\W32S.386 (5) return to windows (6) remove the Win32 Applications Progman group HOW TO REMOVE THE WING EXTENSIONS TO WINDOWS(tm) (1) exit to DOS. (2) backup your hard disk. (3) delete the following files from you c:\windows\system directory dva.386 wing.dll wing32.dll wingde.dll wingdib.drv wingpal.wnd (4) edit the system.ini file in the window directory. and remove the line device=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\dva.386 (5) return to windows Windows NT, Win32s, Windows 3.1, WinG are trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation. CDI is a trademark of Phillips.