The file MTMMINIP.MPD is a new Mitsumi miniport for the Mitsumi propreitary CD. This miniport was not tested extensively before this Beta release. However the few sites we have regressed with have said that it performs better and has fixed some problems they have encountered. We highly encourage you to run with this miniport. Please copy the file MTMMINIP.MPD to the directory: \SYSTEM\IOSUBSYS where is the directory where you have installed Windows 95. Please be aware that subsequent installations will probably overwrite this miniport. We will roll this miniport into the release before ship. The disk and software contained on it are provided to you at no additional charge. Microsoft Corporation owns all right, title and interest to the software. Microsoft disclaims all warranties, express or implied, to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any transfer of this disk or the software on this disc must be accompanied by this statement. Copyright, 1995 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved.