README.TXT Star Micronics Printer Utilities. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This guide will take you through the process of installing the various utilities that are supplied with the printer. These utilities include: 1) Printer Setup Utility. (DOS) 2) Windows Printer Driver. (Win 3.1x and Win95) 3) TrueType Fonts. (Win 3.1x and Win95) Throughout this guide it is assumed that the diskette supplied with the printer is inserted into drive A:. If the diskette is inserted into drive B: please substitute B for A. When typing in command please do not include the quotation marks. These are used for clarity in the documentation. Installing the Printer Setup Utility. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From DOS: 1) Switch to drive A by typing "A:" and press the "Enter" key. 2) Change to the UTILITY directory by typing "CD\UTILITY". 3) Run the setup program by typing "SETUP" and press the Enter key. 4) Skip over the next section. From Windows: 1) Open the File Manager which should be located in the Main group. 2) Click on the drive A: icon located on the tool bar. 3) Double click on the UTILITY directory. 4) Double click on the SETUP.EXE program. Running the Setup program: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Setup program will give you the choice of language, printer and installation directory. Use the arrow keys to move between the options. If you wish to change any of the default values move to the option you wish to change and press the Enter key. Choose from the list of available option and press the Enter key to select it. When you are satisfied with the option press the F1 key to install the Printer Setup Utility. Press the F2 key at any point to exit the program without installing the software. Once the installation is complete the Printer Setup Utility will run and allow you to setup the printer. Running the Printer Setup Utility: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To run the Printer Setup Utility, go to the directory where it was installed and run the STARSET.EXE program. Installing the Windows Printer Driver into Windows 3.1x: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This installation can only be performed from Windows. 1) Double click on the "Control Panel" icon that is located in your Main group. 2) Double click on the "Printers" icon. 3) Click on the "ADD>>" button. 4) Make sure the first option, "Install Unlisted or Updated Printer" is highlighted. 5) Click on the "Install" button. 6) Modify "A:\" to "A:\WIN31\ENG" and press the Enter key. 6) Click on the "OK" button if the diskette is in Drive A: 7) Choose the printer model number from the list and click the "OK" button. 8) Set up the printer as desired and click on the "Close" button to close the Printer Control Panel Installing the Windows Printer Driver into Windows 95: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: Only for the installation of Windows 95 printer drivers it is necessary to use the Windows 95 driver disk !! 1) Click on the "Start" button. 2) Choose "Settings". 3) Choose "Printers". 4) Click on the "Add Printer" icon. 5) Click on the "Next" button. 6) Make sure the "Local Printer" radio button is selected. 7) Click the "Next" button. 8) Click once more the "Next" button. 9) Click the "Back" button. 10) Click on the "Have Disk" button. 11) Insert the floppy disk into drive A: 12) Click on the "OK" button. 13) Choose the printer model number. 14) Choose the printer port that the printer is connected to. LPT1 is the most common. 15) Click on the "Next button. 16) Modify the printer name if desired. 17) Click on the "Finish" button. 18) If you are requested to insert the the source disk of file "....DRV", please indicate your floppy drive (A: or B:). Installing the TrueType Fonts into Windows 3.1x: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) Double click on the "Control Panel" icon that is located in your Main group. 2) Double click on the "Font" icon. 3) Click on the "ADD..." button. 4) Click on the "Drives" combo box and choose drive A: 5) Windows will read all the Font names and list them in the "List of Fonts" window. 7) Choose the fonts you wish to install and click the "OK" button. Installing the TrueType Fonts into Windows 95: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) Click on the "Start" button. 2) Choose "Settings". 3) Choose "Control Panel". 4) Double click on the "Fonts" folder. 5) Open the "Files" menu on the menu bar. 6) Choose "Install New Fonts". 7) Click on the "Drives" combo box and choose drive A: 8) Windows will read all the Font names and list them in the "List of Fonts" window. 9) Choose the Fonts you wish to install and click the "OK" button.