Installation Procedure for the Avance Logic Software Driver for Windows 95 Applications 1. Before installing the Avance Logic driver verify that your display type is Standard Display Adapter(VGA). If it is not, select this display type and restart Windows 95. 2. Insert the ALG2302-ALG1301 Driver for Windows 95 Applications diskette into diskette drive A: (or B:) and click on Start\Run. Then enter A:\win95ul.exe and click on OK. 3. Installation will begin. During the installation a screen will be presented from which you select a refresh rate that your monitor can support. After selecting the refresh rate, click on File\Save and then on Exit. The information will be saved in your Autoexec.bat file so that the next time you start your machine, the screen refresh rate will be the one that you selected. Note: You should select a refresh rate higher than 60 Hz for a higher memory bandwidth. 4. When the installation completes, click on the Display\Settings folder and then click on Change Display Type. In the Adapter Type box, click on Change. A screen will be presented with Avance Logic 2302 PCI highlighted. Click on OK to close the diaglog box. If a screen is presented showing only the standard VGA option, click on Show All Devices located in the bottom left of the screen, select Avance Logic and Avance Logic PCI, and then click on OK. 5. Select the color and the resolution settings that you want and then click on Apply to restart Windows 95. 6. Avance Logic provides an MPEG file Video-CD player utility for playing Video-CD movies. The file (ALPLAYER.EXE) should be located in the ALGUL95 subdirectory. You can use Start\Run to run this utility or you can setup a new folder. Due to the Windows 95 Plug and Play feature, the CD-i format is not recognized and therefore the Video CD CD-i format is not supported. 7. Currently, only MPEG playback in the 256 colors mode is supported. Support for the 64K colors mode will be added in the near future. 8. The following is a description of the MPEG file Video-CD player utility: Green Button: Power off ALPLAYER and return to the Program Manager Blue Button: Select video format: Video For Window(AVI), MPEG, MPEG(CD-I) Light Blue Button: Select a video file ! Button: Playback option ? Button: The help menu Z Button: Zoom in z Button: Zoom out Clock display box: Double click here for the current frame, current playback filename, or current playback time. Video information display Box: Double click on the small display box for total video frame or time information. Scale display box: Double click here for the time or frame scale or click and drag on the triangle icons from each side for frame segmentation.