Updated Win95 Compaq AVGA / QVision Display Driver Release date 5/5/95 ------------------------------------------------ The Win95 team needs your help testing a new update to the Compaq display driver. Please install these files and post your feedback to the WINBTU DISPLAY section asap, positive or negative. IMPORTANT: Please start message titles and bug reports about the driver with "CPQ!" so the Win95 team can identify your feedback quickly. Do not use the "RG!", "CM!", rules, etc. when posting messages about this driver update. When submitting new WinBug reports, please note in the bug description text that you are using the 5/5/95 Compaq driver files. This update contains the following bug fixes and feature enhancements: * Support for Energy Star monitors * Support for VESA mode MS-DOS games * Support for high refresh rates * Fix: Color cursor remnants left behind * Fix: Hanging in certain screen savers * Fix: Screen corruption opening Display control panel To install the updated driver files: 1) Copy COMPAQ.DRV and COMPAQ.VXD into your Win95 \system directory, over older versions already there. You will need to do this in a Command Prompt boot, since the files will be busy if Win95 is running. 2) Copy CPQMON.INI and CPQMODE.INI into your main Win95 directory (not \system). 3) If you are using build 440 or earlier, copy VDD.VXD into the \system\vmm32 directory. (This is needed to override the version of VDD built into VMM32.VXD.) 4) For higher refresh rates, change the display type to "Compaq QVision (high refresh)" in the Display control panel, Settings page. Thanks, The Win95 Display Team