README MATROX GRAPHICS INC. APRIL 95 MGA Win95 Display Driver Revision 0.347a This diskette contains the final beta candidate version of the MGA Win95 driver. Floppy contents: ---------------- README This file MGA.INF Installation support file MGA.DRV MGA Win95 Driver MGA.VXD Win95 miniVDD SXCIEXT.DLL MGA initialization DLL New Features in revision 0.347: ------------------------------- - Added new system.ini switch "StretchBltFix". (see comments) - Added support for 1280x1024x24bpp with DIBEngine only rendering. (see comments) - Added new support for Energy Star monitor support (dpms). Bug Fixes in revision 0.347b: ----------------------------- - #2005 Fixed the MiniVDD to handle the HiRefresh Rate of Impression Plus. - #2006 Fixed the MiniVDD to handle FullScreen DosShell of Impression /200 /220. - #0000 Fixed the sxciext.dll to better handle the TVP3026 ramdac. Bug Fixes in revision 0.347a: ----------------------------- - #0000 Fixed the MiniVDD to handle newer Windows 95 build. Bug Fixes in revision 0.347 (from 0.282): ----------------------------------------- - #0000 Fixed the color patterns @1280x1024x16 and @1152x882x32. - #0000 Fixed the non true type fonts @1280x1024x16 and @1152x882x32. - #0000 Fixed the missing cursor when coming back from a DosShell. - #0000 Modified the method of hooking up the dpms support. - #0000 Fixed the conflict with certain network cards. - #1600 Fixed the invalid global free selector on a resolution switch. - #1611 Fixed the GPF on cross format blits. - #1709 Fixed the pattern fill corruption in PowerPoint 4.0 @1152x882x16. - #1710 Fixed the ctrl+alt+del background problem. - #1711 Temp Fixed for WinBench 4.0 StretchBltSM. - #1715 Fixed the corrupted chart in Excel 5.0 @1024x768x32. - #1729 Made available support for the 1600x1200x16. - #1731 Fixed the font smoothing problems. - #1864 Fixed the cursor showing up in VGA mode after a software reboot. - #1883 Added copyright notices to mga files. - #1892 Fixed the mouse pointer offset on an Ultima. - #1894 Fixed the cursor black strobe when changing cursor shape on an Ultima. - #1903 Fixed the background palette translation. Known Bugs in revision 0.347: ----------------------------- - #0000 The monitor choice refresh rate is not reflected in the display driver unless enabled. - #1712 The DDC monitor is not detected. - #1711 StretchBlt can freeze the system when doing screen to memory. - #1713 The resolution is not validated when going from VGA to MGA. - #1714 Bad color patterns rotation in 32bpp. - #1736 The MGA Ultima MCA version could have installation problems. - #1854 The MGA Impression Plus will not work in a dual screen setup. Comments in revision 0.347: --------------------------- - Added DIBEngine StretchBlt temp fix. In most resolutions the system will freeze when doing a StretchBlt screen to memory. By default the switch we provided turns off the StretchBlt raster operation. To turn on Stretching set "StretchBltFix=OFF". - Added 1024x768x24bpp DIBEngine only support. This is turned OFF default. To turn on this resolution you must add the mode in the registry. - An updated is provided.