This driver does not automatically configure the display adapter's refresh rate according to the capabilities of the monitor to which it is attached. Instead, the refresh rate must be manually set. To do so, follow these steps: 1. Copy the SMONITOR.EXE utility into it's own subdirectory. 2. Boot Windows 95 to a Command Prompt (restart the machine and hit F8 when the "Starting Windows 95" message is displayed). 3. Run the SMONITOR utility from the Command Prompt. All available refresh rate groups will be displayed. 4. From the list of refresh rate groups, decide which one you will use. Type "SMONITOR X" at the Command Prompt, where X is the refresh rate group number you have chosen. 5. You can now start Windows 95 by entering WIN and the Command Prompt. If you have any problems, contact Trident's BBS number at 415-691-1016.