*********************************************************************** - MICROSOFT June 14, 1995 - These Viper drivers are provided as is by Diamond Multimedia Systems, Inc. They have received limited compatibility testing by Microsoft with the June beta build of Windows 95. They were tested using a Viper SE VLB (Weitek 9000) in a Gateway 486/66V, and a Viper PCI (Weitek 9001) in a Micron P5-66. Noted problems include minor screen corruption while switching DOS graphical applications between full screen and windowed modes, and poor performance of DOS applications in full screen modes. Please read the Viper.txt file for information from Diamond Multimedia Systems regarding installation and compatibility of these drivers. *********************************************************************** PLEASE NOTE - These drivers are NOT supported by Microsoft. Any problems with these drivers should be directed to Diamond Multimedia Systems, Inc. See the information in the VIPER.TXT file on how to contact Diamond. ***********************************************************************