October 1995 D-Link DE-220 Family Ethernet Card ================================== Copyright (c) 1995 by D-Link Corporation. All rights reserved. Thank you for purchasing the D-Link DE-220 family Ethernet cards. The driver programs in this diskette support the entire family of DE-220 series Ethernet cards. The DE-220 Family of Ethernet Cards are as follows: DE-220 : DE-220, DE-220C, DE-220TP, DE-220T, DE-220CT, DE-220CAT DE-220E : DE-220ET, DE-220ECT, DE-220ECAT DE-220P : DE-220PT, DE-220PCT, DE-220PCAT The contents of this README file are as follows: 1. Getting Started 2. Driver programs in this diskette 3. Technical support information 4. Revisions history ******************* * GETTING STARTED * ******************* A Quick installation program is provided to assist the user in installing some of the more popular network operating systems. Simply run INSTALL.EXE program located in the \INSTALL subdirectory. If the network operating system you are using is not covered by the installation program, you can refer to the individual documentation provided. Each driver included in this diskette has a corresponding text document which details the installation procedure. **************************************** * THE DRIVER PROGRAMS IN THIS DISKETTE * **************************************** The DE-220 Family Ethernet cards includes two driver diskettes . The driver programs in this diskette are organized in the following manner. Each directory contains a document file which provides you with detailed installation instructions. Aside from being able to support the entire family of DE-220 Ethernet cards, all driver programs will automatically detect the hardware information including I/O base address and IRQ. The network media connector type will also be automatically detected during driver initialization. Diskette #1 Directory Contents ---------- --------------------------------------------------------- \INSTALL Quick driver installation & Setup/diagnostic program \LANSMART D-Link LANsmart driver program \NBIOS NetBIOS emulator & driver program \NDIS NDIS 2.x driver programs \MSLANMAN.DOS Microsoft LAN Manager for DOS driver program \MSLANMAN.OS2 Microsoft LAN Manager for OS2 driver program \NETWARE Novell NetWare version 3.x, 4.x (Server & Client ODI drivers) and Turbo Driver \PKTDRV Sun MicroSystems PC-NFS driver program FTP PC/TCP driver program 3Com 3+ Share driver program Diskette #2 Directory Contents ---------- --------------------------------------------------------- \NT31 MicroSoft Windows NT v3.1 driver program (NDIS 3.0) \NT35 MicroSoft Windows NT v3.5 driver program (NDIS 3.0) \WFW311 MicroSoft Windows for Workgroups v3.11 drivers (NDIS 3.0) \WIN95 MicroSoft Windows 95 driver (NDIS 3.0) \SCOUNIX SCO UNIX driver program (for SCO TCPIP V1.2X) \SCOXENIX SCO XENIX 386 driver program \AT&TUNIX AT&T UNIX driver program \UNIXWARE Unixware driver program \SOLARIS Solaris UNIX driver *********************** * TECHNICAL SUPPORT * *********************** For technical support, you may contact your authorized D-Link distributor, dealer or the following D-Link headquarters: In U.S.A. Tel: +1(714)455-1688 Fax: +1(714)455-2521 BBS: +1(714)455-1779 BBS: +1(714)455-9616 In Canada Tel: +1(905)828-0260 Fax: +1(905)828-5669 BBS: +1(905)828-6673 In U.K. & Europe Tel: +44(181)235-5555 Fax: +44(181)235-5500 BBS: +44(181)235-5511 In Germany Tel: +49(6196)643011 Fax: +49(6196)28049 BBS: +49(6196)28378 In Asia, Taiwan Tel: +886(2)916-1600 Fax: +886(2)914-6299 BBS: +886(2)910-1835 In France Tel: +33(1)30238688 Fax: +33(1)3028689 In Australia Tel: +61(2)4177100 Fax: +61(2)4171077 BBS: +61(2)4173711 In Nordic Tel: +46(40)163330 Fax: +46(40)163340 BBS: +46(40)163343 In Singapore Tel: +657746233 Fax: +657746322 BBS: +657744787 In China Tel: +86(10)4934175 Fax: +86(10)4991648 In Tokyo Tel: +81(3)57512351 Fax: +81(3)57512352 In India Tel: +91(22)6172478 Fax: +91(22)6172476 The BBS communication setup information is as follows : Speed : 2400-14400 baud - Germany 2400-9600 baud - Asia,Taiwan 14400-16800 baud - Canada 9600-14400 baud V32, V32bis, V42, V42bis - U.S.A. 2400-19200 baud V24, V32, V32bis, V42bis - U.K. & Europe Parity : none Data bits : 8 Stop bit : 1 ********************** * REVISIONS HISTORY * ********************** Diskette Revision 950615 ======================== 1. First release of driver programs. . LANSMART . SCOUNIX . NBIOS . NT31 . NDIS . NT35 . NETWARE . WFW311 . PKTDRV . WIN95 . INSTALL PROGRAM Diskette Revision 951015 ======================== 1. Added new drivers. \AT&TUNIX : AT&T UNIX driver program \UNIXWARE : Unixware driver program \SOLARIS : Solaris UNIX driver \SCOXENIX : SCO XENIX 386 driver program 2. Added sub-directory for Microsoft Lan Manager. \MSLANMAN.DOS : Microsoft LAN Manager for DOS driver program \MSLANMAN.OS2 : Microsoft LAN Manager for OS2 driver program 3. All drivers support media autodection function. 4. All drivers support DE-220/DE-220E/DE-220P series cards. 5. SETUP.EXE program updated to version 2.09 Added /D parameter for quick setup using a data file. 6. Added sub-directory for BootROM installation. \BOOTROM: DE-224C Rev.1.00 BootROM installation guide. 7. Changed Readme.doc to Readme.txt file name and each readme put individual directory.