A. Hardware installation First: Check the Dip Switch setting of the Hisketch. Set the Hisketch Dip Switch to one of following operation modes. 1. For Genius Tablet Mode: (Summagraphics Tablet Mode) SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 OFF OFF OFF OFF 2. For Genius Mouse Mode: (Microsoft Mouse) SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 ON ON OFF OFF 3. For Genius Mouse Mode: (Mouse Systems Mouse) SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 ON OFF OFF OFF Second: Install all the cables and connectors. Third: Power up and work with the Hisketch. Fourth: The unexpected power up and or mode setting pulse may cause a boot-up failure. If this occurs, press reset to restart the tablet. To install the Hisketch with your computer, please refer to the Hisketch User's Guide for details.