KYE ADI DRIVER SOFTWARE --------------------------------- The KYE ADI driver software allows you to use your KYE Genius tablet with AutoCAD, Autoshade, and Autosketch by AutoDesk, Inc. DGADI.COM provides full ADI V4.1 compatability. The Genius ADI driver is a program that is loaded once, after you load DOS, and it remains in memory until you reboot your computer or turn it off. Within AutoCAD select the real mode ADI driver option for the digitizer driver. The KYE Genius ADI driver is always installed on Interrupt 79, which is the AutoCAD default. LOADING THE KYE GENIUS ADI DRIVER: ------------------------------------- DGADI has several optional command line arguments: C>DGADI /T# /C# /H [/#] [OFF] /T[2,5,8,9] specify tablet size /C[p,3,4] specify cursor type /1-4 specify serial port /H specify horizontal orientation OFF remove resident driver from memory TABLET SIZE SELECTION --------------------- The first argument is useful with larger tablets. DGADI.COM normally detects the size of the tablet it is working with and sets the active area to the full size. The /T# option allows you to override the full size and specify a smaller one if you desire. The sizes available are: /t2 for a Genius 1212 tablet /t5 for a Genius 505 tablet /t8 for a Genius 1812/D tablet /t9 for a Genius 906 tablet The current DGADI.COM interrogates Genius HiSketch tablets as to their size, so the /t# switch is of limited use. CURSOR SELECTION ---------------- The third optional argument selects the number of buttons on the cursor or transducer. This option may also be changed after installation. /Cp selects a "pen" or stylus /C3 selects a 3 button transducer /C4 selects a 4 button transducer (DEFAULT) SERIAL PORT SELECTION --------------------- The second, optional argument selects which comm port the tablet is connected to. If this argument is omitted the driver will be installed on the first comm port it finds. /1 selects COM1 /2 selects COM2 /3 and /4 select COM3 and COM4 on PS/2 systems. TABLET ORIENTATION ------------------ The default orientation for Genius 906 tablet is portrait. However, if you prefer to use it in landscape mode, just add command line /h when you load DGADI.COM.