These are updates and new components that have been released since the Microsoft® Windows® 95 Service Pack 1. INETMAIL: Internet Mail Service for Windows 95 Release/Update This component adds POP3 client mail services to the Windows 95 Microsoft Exchange client. KRNLUPD: Kernel32 Update This update resolves a memory leak which occurs when opening and closing a Socket using the Windows Sockets API. OLEUPD: OLE32 Update Update to OLE32 components for Windows 95. DLC32UPD: 32bit DLC Update to the MS 32-bit DLC protocol stack to prevent hangs under Windows 95. COVER_PG: MS Fax Cover Page Fix This component fixes problems with the use of MS FAX not showing available cover pages. BACKUPD2: Backup Update This component gives performance improvements over the released version of the Windows 95 backup application. W95IR: IrDA 2.0 (Infrared Driver) IrDA support enables Windows 95 users to easily connect to peripheral devices or other Windows 95-based PCs without using connecting cables. MSPWLUPD2: Windows 95 Password List Update This update fixes a bug which existed in the Windows 95 Service Pack 1 Password List Update. This bug occurs when an application attempts to remove a cached password. EXUPDUSA: Exchange Update for Windows '95 The package above contains a complete update for the Exchange components that shipped in Windows '95. DSKTSUPD: Disk Type Specific Driver Update for Windows 95 This update addresses a potential data-loss issue for customers who use large EIDE drives with multiple partitions on systems which support LBA and extended INT13 functions.