SIEMENS C511/C513 STARTER KIT APPLICATION DISK, V1.0, Oct 95 DIRECTORY \APPLIC\3rdtools DESCRIPTION Siemens Third Party Tool Lists Overview about C500/8051 development tools hw8bit.exe: 80C51/C500-3rd Party Tool List Hardware Support, Postscript format, self extracting sw8bit.exe: 80C51/C500-3rd Party Tool List Software Support, Postscript format, self extracting lit8bit.exe: 80C51/C500-3rd Party Tool List Literature, Postscript format, self extracting NOTE Updates of the development tools lists are available on the Siemens Microcontroller Mailbox Phone: + 49 - 89 - 498431 Parameter: 8N1 (8 data bit, no parity, 1 stop bit) Login: c511c513 Password: startkit