SIEMENS C511/C513 STARTER KIT APPLICATION DISK, V1.0, Oct 95 DIRECTORY \APPLIC\EPROM\IO_UTIL DESCRIPTION The following IO routines are stored in the EPROM of the C511/C513 Starter Kit board. After mapping EPROM to address 8000h, they can be accessed via jump table, located at address 8100h. OUT_CHAR display byte OUT_CHAR1 display byte (with CTRL-S and CTRL-Q) IN_CHAR read in char OUT_STRING display string OUT_BYTE_ASCII display byte as 2 ASCII chars OUT_WORD_ASCII display word as 4 ASCII chars VALID_HEX test of valid hex value '0 ...F' ASCII_HEX change '0'-'9' -- 00H-09H HEX_ASCII change 00H-09H -- '0'-'9' BINBCD change binary --> 2 BCD-bytes BCDBIN change BCD-byte --> binary ADD_BINBCD binary/BCD addition SUBB_BINBCD binary/BCD subtraktion CPL_BINBCD 2/10 complement NOTE If your program uses IO routines, you can use term.exe terminal program as user interface on the PC side. SEE ALSO IO routines are used in SSC application (\applic\eprom\ssc)