SIEMENS C511/C513 STARTER KIT APPLICATION DISK, V1.0, Oct 95 DIRECTORY \applic\eprom\ssc PURPOSE 1. Source code example program for programming the SSC 2. Ready-to-program code example for programming the E2PROM 3. Ready-to-run example application for the starter kit board DESCRIPTION This directory contains an example SSC application for the starter kit board. Source code for the SSC master and the SSC slave is provided in subdirectories source\master and source\slave. The slave directory also contains the ready-to-program/ready-to-run hex code of the slave application. The slave.hex file can directly be programmed with prg51x.exe program which is also supplied on this disk. The master program is already programmed into the EPROM of the starter kit board. The master program is started after reset automatically if a 's' is received via serial interface. For this purpose term.exe terminal program, which is also supplied on this disk, can be used. EXAMPLE 1. Analysis of SSC master/slave source code 2. E2PROM programming of SSC slave ( slave.hex can be programmed with prg51x.exe ) 3. Running the application, using a terminal program, e.x. term.exe ( enter 's' first ! ).