SIEMENS C511/C513 STARTER KIT APPLICATION DISK, V1.0, Oct 95 DIRECTORY \ DESCRIPTION Application programms for the Siemens C511/C513 Starter Kit board miniCON-513: * programming monitor for programming the 12k E2PROM of the SAB-C513A-H directly with the starter kit board hardware * freeware disassembler adis51 * C source code examples for Keil C51 compiler * C source code examples for Tasking C51 compiler * application examples for the SSC (sync. serial channel) * assembler source code examples for IO routines * assembler source code examples for type conversions * C / assembler source code for E2PROM programming monitor * terminal program NOTE Updates of this application disk will be available on the Siemens Microcontroller Mailbox Phone: + 49 - 89 - 498431 Parameter: 8N1 (8 data bit, no parity, 1 stop bit) Login: c511c513 Password: startkit P.S. Application Notes for the C511/C513 Starter Kit are always welcome and can be uploaded to the mailbox. NOTE Information for Siemens microcontrollers is also available on the WWW. Please select the Siemens semiconductors homepage ( )