;******************************************************************** ; 8051 Boot Loader ver 3.0 ; Download standard Intel hex format files ; Assemble using ASM51.EXE by MetaLink Corp. ; sjm 11 Apr 95 ; sjm 16 Apr 95 ; sjm 18 Apr 95 ;******************************************************************** $mod51 ; symbol definitions error_led equ p1.7 ; active low - clr to turn on cr equ 0dh ; carriage return ram set 8000h ; Start address for loading ; programs into ;******************************************************************** ; Interrupt vector table ;******************************************************************** org 0 ; System reset RST ljmp main org 3 ; External 0 IE0 ljmp (ram+3) org 0bh ; Timer 0 TF0 ljmp (ram+0bh) org 13h ; External 1 IE1 ljmp (ram+13h) org 1bh ; Timer 1 TF1 ljmp (ram+1bh) org 23h ; Serial port TI or RI ljmp (ram+23h) org 2bh ; Timer 2 TF2 or EXF2 ljmp (ram+2bh) ;******************************************************************** ; Main program starts here ;******************************************************************** org 30h main: setb error_led ; turn off error led lcall init ; init serial port lcall intro ; print welcome message load1: lcall inchar cjne a,#1ah,skip1 ; end of file? sjmp done skip1: cjne a,#':',load1 ; each record begins with ':' mov r1,#0 ; init checksum to zero lcall gethex ; get byte from serial port mov b,a ; use b as byte counter jz done ; if b = 0 load2: inc b lcall gethex ; get address high byte mov dph,a lcall gethex ; get address low byte mov dpl,a lcall gethex ; get record type (ignore this) load4: acall gethex ; get data byte movx @dptr,a ; store in ext. ram inc dptr dec b ; repeat until count = 0 mov a,b jnz load4 mov a,r1 ; checksum should be zero jz load1 ; if so, then get next record ljmp error ; if not, stop download done: ljmp ram ; start running program ;******************************************************************** ; Get two characters from serial port and form a hex byte. Also add ; byte to checksum in r1. ;******************************************************************** gethex: lcall inchar ; get first character lcall atoh ; convert to hex swap a ; put in upper nibble mov r0,a ; save it lcall inchar ; get second character lcall atoh ; convert to hex orl a,r0 ; or with first nibble mov r2,a ; save byte add a,r1 ; add byte to checksum mov r1,a ; restore checkum in r1 mov a,r2 ; retrieve byte ret ;******************************************************************** ; Wait until a char is received from the serial port, and return ; that char in the accumulator. ;******************************************************************** inchar: jnb ri,inchar ; wait until ri is set clr ri ; clear interrupt mov a,sbuf ; get character ret ;******************************************************************** ; ASCII to hex - enter with ascii code in acc. (assume hex char 0-F) ; exit with hex nibble in A.0-A.3 ;******************************************************************** atoh: clr acc.7 ; ensure parity bit is off cjne a,#3ah,next ; ?? this just sets carry bit ?? next: jc atoh2 add a,#9 ; no, adjust for range A-F atoh2: anl a,#0fh ; yes, convert directly ret ;******************************************************************** ; Print welcome message ;******************************************************************** intro: mov dptr,#prompt1 lcall outstr mov dptr,#prompt2 lcall outstr ret ;******************************************************************** ; Wait until tx ready, then send a char out serial port ;******************************************************************** outchar: jnb ti,outchar ; wait until ti is set clr ti ; clear it mov sbuf,a ; send acc to serial buffer ret ;******************************************************************** ; Send a null terminated string out serial port ;******************************************************************** outstr: clr a movc a,@a+dptr ; get character jz exit ; stop if char == null lcall outchar ; else send it inc dptr ; point to next char sjmp outstr exit: ret ;******************************************************************** ; Init serial port ;******************************************************************** init: mov scon,#52h ; 8 bit UART mode mov tmod,#20h ; use timer 1 as baud rate clk mov th1,#-13 ; 2400 Baud with 12MHz xtal setb tr1 ; start timer ret error: clr error_led ; turn on error LED stop: sjmp stop prompt1: db cr,'Steve''s 8051 bootloader - 18 April 1995',0 prompt2: db cr,'Download Intel hex files to address 8000h',cr,0 end