We can offer you very simple and cheap way of programming ATMEL processors AT89C51, AT89C52, AT89C1051, AT89C2051, AT89LV51, AT89LV52 with our PROG ATM52 programmer. It consists of one PCB (115 x 89 mm), cable (3-wire null-modem), adapter (230V AC -> 12V DC) and diskette with program for PC computer. The PCB includes one universal socket for either DIP40 or DIP20 to which a programmed processor is to be inserted, two LEDs indicating 'power' and 'busy' state, one connector DB9 for communication with PC computer (RS232) and one plug for the adapter. All operations like reading, erasing, programming, blank checking, verifying, lock bits setting, check summ counting or buffer editing are done from very user-friendly program on PC. This PC program requires MS DOS ver 3.30, 80286 or higher processor, 640KB RAM, HD, and CGA, EGA, VGA or HCG monitor. It can run under DOS or can be executed from Windows, it's in graphic mode and very easy to learn and control (with windows, buttons, input lines, menus, icons etc). User can change program features with it's configuration like choosing COM1 or COM2, type of processor and many others. Program also supports mouse. Brief help is available, as well. Two types of file are supported, files *.BIN and Intel *.HEX format. Program is available in English and Czech language version, German version on request.
Latest version of PROG ATM52 Software is available in file ATM52.ZIP.