Date: Wed, 05 Feb 1997 18:35:23 GMT From: John Wren To:, Subject: LCD Driver Code Here's an LCD driver package that supports the 1x16 and 2x16 LCDs that use the standard Hitachi HD44100/HD44780 controller series. If you use this, you'll notice that calls are made from the LCD.ASM to LCD_IO.ASM. This isn't the most efficient way to do this, but because of the number of platforms we develop on, we try to re-use a lot of code. With this method, we only need to tailor the IO.ASM file to a particular platform. In addition, we sometimes have the real target platform, then a prototype that allows connecting an ICE, so a version of IO.ASM is tailored to the prototype, and the linker file specifies which one gets linked in. If speed or stack space are everything in your project, you can copy the code from the IO.ASM file into the LCD.ASM.