The following list is an explanation of the timing parameters used in the data sheets of the MCS-51 family of microcontrollers, HMOS and CHMOS alike. These timing parameters are compared to the corresponding parameters of the most commonly interfaced components, i.e. latches, EPROMs, RAMs, etc. Throughout this text the character '#' is used to indicate an active low signal. TLHLL--This is the ALE pulse width, and it corresponds to the enable pulse width (tWL) of the address latch device. The interface requires that TLHLL >= tWL. TAVLL--This is the length of time address is valid before ALE goes low. This specification corresponds to the data setup time (tS) for the address latch, and TAVLL must be greater than or equal to tS. (TAVLL >= tS) TLLAX--This specifies the amount of time that the address will remain valid after ALE goes low. This parameter corresponds to the HOLD time for the address latch (tH). To satisfy the latch device timing spec TLLAX must be greater than or equal to tH. (TLLAX >= tH) TLLIV--This is the time that the controller will wait after ALE goes low, before it expects to see the instruction on the bus. On the EPROMs which have onboard address latches, the access time is given from ALE low to data valid (tACL). The value of TLLIV must be greater than or equal to the access time. (TLLIV >= tACL). Also, if ALE is used as the chip enable signal, this parameter corresponds to the time from chip select to output delay (tCE) of the EPROM. Then the requirement is TLLIV >= tCE. TLLPL--Time from ALE low to PSEN# low. This parameter is used with memory devices which have onboard address latches. TLLPL corresponds to the time from chip select to output enable (tCOE), and TLLPL must be greater than or equal to tCOE. (TLLPL >= tCOE) TPLPH--The duration that PSEN# stays low. PSEN# is used to enable the external program memory outputs. Most EPROMs don't specify a parameter for the output enable signal. However, the tOE (output enable to output) implies a minimum value for TPLPH; that is, TPLPH must be greater than or equal to tOE. ( TPLPH >= tOE ) TPLIV--This parameter shows the maximum time the controller can wait after activating the PSEN# (active low) to receive a valid instruction. TPLIV corresponds to tOE of the EPROM. TPLIV must be greater than or equal to tOE. ( TPLIV >= tOE ) TPXIX--This is the time that the controller expects to see the instruction remain valid on the bus after PSEN# is no longer valid. It corresponds to tOH (output hold after OE# or CE#) of the EPROM. TPXIX must be less than or equal to tOH. ( TPXIX <= tOH ) TPXIZ--This defines the maximum time allowable for the memory device to drive the bus after PSEN# is deactivated. In order to prevent any bus contention, the memory device must float the bus no later than TPXIZ, after PSEN# (the output enable) is not valid any more. TPXIZ corresponds to tDF of the EPROM, and must be greater than or equal to tDF. ( TPXIZ >= tDF ) TAVIV--The maximum length of time that the controller will allow the EPROM to output a valid instruction after a valid address. This is the same as tACC in the EPROM. ( TAVIV - tPROP >= tACC ) TPLAZ--The amount of time that it will take the controller to float the bus after PSEN# is active, and it must be less than the tOE of the EPROM. ( TPLAZ < tOE ) TRLRH--Pulse width of read (RD#) signal. Some peripherals require a minimum time for the RD# signal to be active. An example is the programmable I/O expander (8255A). TRLRH must be greater than or equal to tRR which is the spec for the peripheral's read pulse width ( TRLRH >= tRR ). TWLWH--Pulse width of write (WR#) signal. In order to ensure a successful write to the RAM, a minimum pulse width is required for the write signal by the device. Thus, TWLWH must be greater than or equal to tWW of the RAM ( TWLWH >= tWW ). TRLDV--This spec determines how much time the memory system has to return data after the controller drives the READ line active low. This corresponds to the memory component's tOE output enable spec. The tOE time must be less than or equal to TRLDV. ( TRLDV >= tOE ) TRHDX--The minimum time the controller requires that data remain valid after the READ pin has gone inactive (data hold after RD#). TRHDZ--The memory device must be able to get the data off (float) the bus in time for the CPU to drive the next Address or bus contension may occur. This parameter corresponds to the memory component's tDF. The tDF value must be less than or equal to TRHDZ value. ( TRHDZ >= tDF ) TLLDV--This parameter is associated with the external data memory read and corresponds to the access time of the data memory when ALE is used to drive the chip select pin of the memory device. TLLDV must be greater than or equal to the time from CS# (chip select) low to data valid (tACS). ( TLLDV >= tACS ) TLLWL--The time between ALE going low to the read or write signal going low. This parameter is helpful if ALE is used as the chip select signal to the RAM. The corresponding RAM parameter is tCW (time of chip select to end of write). Minimum requirement for the interface is TLLWL >= tCW. TAVWL--The time between a valid address and the read or write signal going low. This parameter corresponds to the tAS (address setup time) in the RAM device. TAVWL must be greater than or equal to tAS. (TAVWL >= tAS) TQVWX--This spec provids information about data setup time for the components which use the negative edge of the WR# signal to clock the data in. Most RAM devices, however, use the rising edge of the WR# signal to latch the data. The parameter that specifies the data setup time for rising edge is TQVWH. TQVWH--This spec provids information about how long the data is valid before the write signal goes high. The corresponding parameter of the RAM device is tDW (data valid to the end of WR#). TQVWH must be greater than or equal to tDW. ( TQVWH >= tDW ) TWHQX--This specifies a minimum time that data is held after the WR# signal goes high. The corresponding parameter of RAM is tDH, data hold time after the end of write and, that has to be less than or equal to TWHQX. ( TWHQX >= tDH ) TRLAZ--In order to prevent bus contention, the controller must float the bus bfore the memory device drives it with the data. Most RAM devices do not have a paramter that corresponds to TRLAZ. TWHLH--This parameter also is not used by memory devices, but other components which share the address data bus may be able to use this period. This time is considered to be dead time for the controller and the memory system.