;;; Special function registers for the 8052 T2CON sfr 0xc8 RCAP2L sfr 0xca RCAP2H sfr 0xcb TL2 sfr 0xcc TH2 sfr 0xcd ;;; Special funcgtion register bits ;;; Port 1 T2 bit P1.0 T2EX bit P1.1 ;;; IE and IP ET2 bit IE.5 PT2 bit IP.5 ;;; T2CON CP_RL2 bit T2CON.0 C_T2 bit T2CON.1 TR2 bit T2CON.2 EXEN2 bit T2CON.3 TCLK bit T2CON.4 RCLK bit T2CON.5 EXF2 bit T2CON.6 TF2 bit T2CON.7