Due to the requests I have received concerning how to download data, and my own dilemma of downloading PC wav files, this file transfer program using the KERMIT protocol was written. Prior to this, I had to convert files to the "INTEL" hex format ( I refer to it as a papertape reader) and use the reader normally used for code to transfer the data. This took awhile because for each 16 bytes of data there are 44 bytes in a hex file. This program is written in assembly, the highest level language there is :-) and uses the little known instruction "movx @r0,a" where P2 is modified to the page address. (I would have designed two 16 bit regs) I've heard this may not work on some clone '51's. I use the METALINK assembler though any should work and all the associated files are included in the main programs (I51RECV.ASM ) for receiving files and (I51XMIT.ASM) for transferring files to the remote. All that is needed is all the files be in the same directory. Either hex file is then loaded to the 8051 using the hex reader previously mentioned. The fopen function is a pointer initialization to where in memory the data should go. The FWRITE function then moves the packet data to that memory. The fread gets data from memory for subsequent encoding. The FCLOSE does nothing at present but could be used for other types of memory. The file (I51HEDR.INC) needs to be changed to suit your specific memory configuration. As an example my test unit has 32k of ram memory and a small bootloader rom that is switch off after loading into ram. PSEN is or'd with RD so that code can be executed in ram, hence the close range of rom to ram with no overlap. My monitor is from 0000h to 1fffh. 2000h to 2fffh is for floating point routines and extended math functions. The kermit code is loaded at 3000h to 33ffh and the data for kermit is at 3400h to 35ffh. 3600h to 3fffh is still available, but for simplicity, files from KERMIT are loaded starting at 4000h and can go to 7fffh. Thats a maximum of a 16k file (about a two second wav file at 8000khz). After fixing my monitor to accept 8 bit data (by removing the anl a,07fh), ascii text and binary image files download successfully. I'll be adding a front-end that'll request the start address and direction. If you have any questions, my email addresses are: glp@sleepy.anest.ufl.edu ! decmail smtp - preferred pugh.anest1@wpo.health.ufl.edu ! word perfect office - mnotify=NO greg@anest1.anest.ufl.edu ! pegasus internet mail - base64 P.S. A zip file is provided in i51.zip