*************************************************************** FrameViewer(R) 4 fvreadme.txt Copyright (C) 1986-1994 Frame Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. *************************************************************** This file contains information about problems that may occur while installing or running the FrameViewer application. If you experience problems installing or running FrameViewer 4, read this document before you attempt to install or run FrameViewer again. For additional last-minute tips and information, open the online FrameViewer Release Notes after you have successfully installed FrameViewer. Installing FrameViewer 4 ======================== There are no known incompatibilities with the FrameViewer Installer program. If you experience difficulty installing FrameViewer, make sure your computer will support FrameViewer; check "Welcome to FrameViewer" for information on supported system configurations. Then contact Frame Technical Support. "The path is not valid." ------------------------------------------------------------- During installation, this error message appears when you attempt to install FrameViewer to a file instead of a directory. Try installing FrameViewer again and specify a directory instead of a file in the Destination Path dialog box. "DSHELL caused a GPF in module MSTEST.EXE" ------------------------------------------------------------- If you see this error message during installation, try resetting your video driver to VGA. Then reinstall FrameViewer. Frame recommends contacting your video card manufacturer about the availability of an updated driver. Running FrameViewer 4 ===================== Insufficient memory error --------------------------------------------- If your Windows TEMP directory has less than 35K of space available, FrameViewer may unexpectedly quit. Before starting FrameViewer, remove any unneeded temporary or swap files from your Windows TEMP directory and make sure that you have adequate space available in this directory.