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D < !=4.K ~|>z ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N CO!Q!d ^!eg1d ^"hG@ +#$< , -$%#@ `@ .%$&# @ `@@ `@ /&%'# @ `@l 0'&(# l   UU` "UU` 4UU  Displays the previous @UU #match in the current LUU@  document .\UU`! gUU`" vUU #Displays the first match UU#in the previous UU@# document ,a 1(')# ,a  UU` UU`$ *UU`% =UQUT`& OUU 'Displays the next [UU'match in the current gUU@'G document v`( `)< UU *Displays the first %UU*match in the next UU@* document i)(*#/h @.0 `@ 3*)+# h @.0 `@ӀhMatchesIi+*,#I I)Ii,+-#pUU ).@i-,.#..@ ..o@i.-/#fo@UUoo]~i/.0#]~1]]'u 90/1#12'uUU'o+BR# `@ :102#02 'o+BR# `@Ӏ4_'o4_Previous Match'u ;213#5<''u01fu <324#45fu &ijBh. `@ =435#35 &ijBh. `@Ӏs_&is_Previous Documenttfu >546#28<fu34u ?657#78/uh'oBR# `@ @768#68 'oBR# `@Ӏ_'o_ Next Documentu A879#5;<u67Bu B98:#:;-Bu(tFB< `@ C:9;#9; (tFB< `@ӀO_(tO_ Next MatchBu D;:<#8<Bu9:'ul E<;#'ul2;qi'=>' q ( A ` This query UUoqi)>=?' oq ( Ach `Locates documents containing 0i-?>@' 0 ( A `5 document B.0i/@?A' t0( A  *The word document or variations 'osuch as documents or 8(@`@documenting. NeD0i3A@B' 50( A `;document, hard disk t0i5BAC' t0( A  D+The word document or variations, '%or the phrase hard disk or (@i')variations such as hard disks. 0i9CBD' h0( A? `appears four times (0i;DCE' o0( Ai-   +The phrase appears four times or 5+variations such as appearing four ?A(@times. 0i?EDF' 0( A `su"computer", hard disk r0iAFE' 0( A  %The word computer (without me.variations) or the phrase hard disk (@,or variations such as hard disks. ^>iEGH- r^>. Ahr `di"accrue" daily interest i'a^>iGHGI- ^>. A  ,The phrase accrue daily interest. ap(Without the quotation marks, (#accrue is interpreted as the 6@operator ACCRUE. "iKIHJ- ". Aur ` about faxes "iMJI- ". A  su!Locates no matching documents if H-about is in the stop file. (iRKL3 4 Eme`heThis iTLKM3 r4 E`iE Limits the documents located to "iXMLN3 "4 E `IR&D "iZNMO3 "4 Eac  t.Documents that have the group @rkname R&D "i^ONP3 "4 E `J"Human Biology", Physics "i`POQ3 "4 EiM   Documents that have the group @2name Human Biology or Physics  idQPR3  4 EiR ` ""  ifRQ3   4 EiT ` r"Documents that have no group name %h"?IijST c%h"?I! =iX` all ek?IilTSU ek?I" =iZ` contains ?IinUTV ?I# =` matches D??IipVUW ??I$ =`soundex ano#F?IirWVX `#F?I% =`iM substring cz?OitXWY cz?O& =`typo %h"?Ii|YXZ %h"?I' =`any ek?Ii~ZY[ ek?I( =`s ends vo?Ii[Z\ ?I) =`near ??Ii\[] ??I* =`starts `#F?Ii]\^ #F?I+ =`suggest cz?Oi^]_ cz?O, =` wildcard %h"?Ii_^` %h"?I- =`case ek?Ii`_a tek?I. =`many ?Iia`b |?I/ =`phrase ??Iibac ??I0 =`stem #F?Iicbd #F?I1 =`through cz?Oidc ]cz?O2 =`word H$ ^ef! H$ 3UU` HUS ^feg! HUS 4UU` HH ^gf! "HH5` J ^hi" J 6 t` ) ^ihj" )7 hIIntroduction  ^jik" 8 `USING TEXT RETRIEVAL >39ikjl">39cd>39>39 _ _lkm"  _9Oh Introduction h Retrieving text 0hwo Writing queries Dh Using operators X` Vqimln"nqVqegXsinmo"moqXsXsionp"npqXs "}x@8 `@ eepoq"oq }x@8 `@} ShortcutsVq efqpr"Vqmpkqiirqs"skqihjmsgisrt"rtmsg mseitsu"swmse ^äw `@ ehutv"vw äw `@â.ä.Done `@ ejwvx"t9 `@uv@oixwy"@op@qPiyxz"zqPingsNizy{"y{usNsLi{z|"z|sLq}w W `@ em|{}"{ }w W `@,;};Indexqi}|~"~qnpsi~}"}soqsi~"~sVqi"qksi"smsi"sm vo ep"  vo ä  vo }H vo eq" . vo w  vo }H vo er" @ vo "t  vo }H vo es" vo qi"qsi"susi"sewnP> `@ eu" mewnP> `@-e- Main Menu}Pqi"PqRsi"RsRsi"Rsq<i"q<s:i"s:s8i"s8Y vo ex" Y vo oY oY vo_ }8q ey"qq ez"q}Pq e{"tPqqP e|"qqPy|kqi e}"kqirwq e~"qq e"qq e" q:Mah  Vq e" Vq;h  jqj e" jqj<h  qQ e" qQ=h  q e" q> h  yq e" q?h  Oq e" Oq@h|  q1 e"q1q e"qq] e"q]q\ e"xmq\q@\ e" @\x@] e"@]d _ ) _! )A he& Running H/F 3  (continued)  _" B`USING TEXT RETRIEVAL >39j>39 e>39>39J _$ J C`  _ _C  _Dh Introduction h Retrieving text 0h Writing queries Dh Using operators X` VqjVqXsjXsXsjXs}x@8 `@ e }x@8 `@} ShortcutsVq eVqkqijnkqimsgjmsgBmsej! mseäw `@ e äw `@â.ä.Done `@ e `@@oj&@op@qPj(qPingsNj*usNsLj,sLq}w W `@ e }w W `@,;};Indexqj/qsj1ssj3sVqj5qksj7smsj9sm vo e  vo ä  vo }H vo e . vo w  vo }H vo e @ vo   vo }H vo e vo qj?(qsjA*susjC,sewnP> `@ e ewnP> `@-e- Main Menu}PqjFPqRsjHRsRsjJRsq<jLq<s:jNs:s8jPs8Y vo e Y vo oY oY vo_ }8q eqq eqPq ePqqP eqPkqi ekqiq eqq eqq e qEMah  Vq e VqFh  jqj e jqjGh  qQ e qQHh  q e qI h  q e qJh  Oq e OqKh  q1 eq1q eqq] eq]q\ eq\@\ e @\@] e@]d _DՀ @ _K Հ @ՀՀͲ='K e='K-] `@ e -] `@-f-f='K e='K!w `@ e !w `@/z;!;MoreqV e qVLh  qV eqVq e qMh  Pq e PqNh  d _LJ _M J O (UIf you   have a  large set of online documents, text retrieval can help you Hlocate the documents that contain the information you need. FrameViewer $eLuses a text retrieval indexusually created by the author or distributor of 2Kthe documentsto retrieve the words or phrases you specify. (To search for @;Ktext in the current document without using a text retrieval index, use the NHF ind command.)  b(^To retrieve information, you type a text  retrieval q uery. For example, if you pKuse the simple query gauge, FrameViewer locates all documents that ~Xcontain the word gauge. Or, you could use the following query to give FFrameViewer more specific information about the documents you want to @locate: `6"temperature gauge" AND NOT "water temperature gauge" Հ @ _N eՀ @Հ ՀͲz@ `@ k rz@ `@zz a!w `@ l e!w `@/z;!;MoreqV m rqVPh i 1 ud {aJ { J O t riGFrameViewer locates the documents in the indexed set of documents that sigeIcontain information matching your query and displays the titles of those i$Odocuments in the R !etrieve window. When you choose the document you 2 sEwant to see, FrameViewer opens the document and highlights the first @Hmatch. From there, you can display matches in the same document or in a N@different document. b GWhen retrieving text that matches a query, FrameViewer looks for exact pMmatches to the text in the query as well as variations on the queried words. ~h(Variations on a word are created by adding endings such as s, ed, i@and ing.) a  GFor example, if you ask FrameViewer to locate documents containing the  word walk, it looks for matches for walk, walks, walking, and  r \walked. If you dont want FrameViewer to retrieve  "variations on a word in e@ ou>your query, enclose the word in quotation marks (""). ` he cՀ @ |3 Հ @FrothՀ ՀͲd ut cuJ u nJ R f(W #To locate  $documents  %that have the specific words or phrases youre looking . Rfor, you type a query in the Retr &ieve window. FrameViewer locates all $Fdocuments in the indexed set of documents containing information that 2 iJmatches your query. It then displays the titles of those documents in the @@Retrieve window. o]UT UT` r To retrieve text q  ,BOpen the Retrieve window by choosing Retrieve from the Navigation @  ymenu.   toGIf FrameViewer cannot locate an index for your document set, it cannot en quJopen the Retrieve window. Instead it displays an alert box describing the @  problem. hTType the q 'uery for the text you want to retrieve in the Query text box. cuՀ @ |7 nՀ @ՀՀ,$Ͳ!w `@ r u!w `@/z;!;MorephqV s qVSehie 2 aqV ttqVd |!yo qJ |" dJ R w ITo limit the query to specific document groups, type the group names you b@e &want in the Limit to Groups text box. *hMFor more information, see Locating d (ocuments in specific groups. t>` Click Retrieve. riR d CFrameViewer displays the titles of the documents that contain text . `@Jmatching the query you entered, and that are in the groups you specified. t`BSelect the title of a document in the scroll list and click Open.  =FrameViewer opens the selected document with the first match ;@ph highlighted.  FTo see other matches in the current document, click the Next Match or @Previous Match buttons. (PYou can also use the buttons in the M )atches window to display other @|"5matches in the current document and other documents. Հ @ |9 tՀ @ficocՀՀ,$Ͳ!w `@ x i!w `@/z;!;MoreqV y qVUhCl 3 rqV ziqVd   t qJ  sJ ## Rhe UT UT`nt!Navigating through matching text (TTo s *ee the Ma +tches window, choose Go to Matches from the Navigation hi+Imenu. Use the buttons in the Matches window to navigate through matching M9@5text in the current document and in other documents. HUU h t , oՀ @  pՀ @ՀՀ,$Ͳ!w `@ ~   !w `@/z;!;MoreqV    qVWh; 4 ;qV   qV d     rJ    J R UT UTh% -Understanding a documents score (LDocuments  .containing information that matches a query are given a score ga+inIbased on their relevance to the query. A documents score depends on how o9frEoften the information specified in the query appears in the document MGavJrelative to the documents size. Documents containing a higher density of UntImatches are considered more relevant to the query and are given a higher pc@score. w CFor example, a 10-page document containing 10 matches would have a ;Fhigher score than a 10-page document containing 6 matches. However, a G10-page document containing 10 matches would have a lower score than a V@&1-page document containing 6 matches.  FScores range from 0.00 to 1.00; the higher the score, the greater the Gdocuments relevance to the query. Queries containing operators may be (.Bscored differently depending on which operator you use. (For more Hba8information, see Text r /etrieval operators.) pe` Հ @    nՀ @s ithՀՀ,$Ͳd uDhierJ u rJ Ye (U 7A query  8describes the information you want to retrieve from a set of online, iulJindexed documents. Queries are  9made up of the actual words or phrases $owPyou want to retrieve along with op :erators (such as AND and OR) that lo2@ 2specify how to look for those words and phrases. F`+7When you write a query, keep these guidelines in mind: scoZ`,e HQueries can consist of only words and phrases or can include operators. g k -EQueries are not case-sensitive, so you can type them in uppercase or uy@- lowercase. ba . XTo look for a word exactly as you typed it, enclose it in quotation marks (""). .IWhen you use quotation marks in a query, all documents located are given H.the same sc ;ore.  /MTo look for a word that is also the name of an operator, enclose the word in @/dequotation marks. t 0trJUse parentheses to indicate an order for evaluating the query or to group @0f parts of a query. Ԁ2@ @ u eԀ2@ @ opԀ2@ԀA9M!w `@  !w `@/z;!;MoreseqV  qqVZhie 5 oqV uqVd |ith iJ | cJ SdY rd 1pe^Queries can include the wildcard characters * and ?. The asterisk (*) 1 aUwildcard finds zero or more characters; the question mark (?) wildcard finds $@1Toany single character. 5 2anKQueries can also include special characters. (For information about typing C2paWspecial characters in queries, see Sp <ecial characters in text retrieval in paQ@2Keyboard Shortcuts.) b 3OCertain words are reserved for special use by the text retrieval index. If you p3`@Kuse a reserved word in your query, you must enclose it in quotation marks. q~@H3Reserved words are: = Ԁ2@ @  Ԁ2@ @uԀ2@ԀA9M!w `@  !w `@/z;!;More|qV  dqV\Quhth 6 aqV aqVd |rqutiJ | J !Y  4caNCommas in a query mean OR unless they are in parentheses and preceded 4chJby an operator. If there is an operator preceding the parentheses, commas $42Iinside the parentheses take on the meaning of the operator. For example, d24y Vthe query March, May is equivalent to March OR May, but the query @@4os=AND (March, May) is equivalent to March AND May. sQ(5@yWords such as an and the are probably included in the st >op file for your _5`@Lset of indexed documents. If your query contains words that are in the stop m5Efile or phrases containing those words, FrameViewer wont locate any {5aGmatching documents for that part of the query. (Check with your system @5Ladministrator for more information about the stop file for your documents.)  6NIf you leave the Query text box empty, FrameViewer displays the titles of all @6+documents in the indexed set of documents. atoԀ2@ @  Ԁ2@ @ideheԀ2@ԀA9M!w `@  !w `@/z;!;More qV  uqV^chhva K qV qVd }> a!&n e J }?!" J (Yer UT UT`7haTo enter a query (8NOpen the R ?etrieve window by choosing Retrieve from the Navigation +@8himenu. ?`9 o/Type your query in the Current Query text box. S :raLYou can type words, phrases, and operators in this text box. If you prefer, a:eaGyou can add an operator to the query by choosing it from the Operators o:meGpop-up menu. You can also choose a query from the Query History scroll }@:@*list, and edit the query or use it as is.  ;HTo limit the query to specific document groups, type the group names in @;the text box. Vh<MFor more information, see Locating d @ocuments in specific groups. `=Click Retrieve.  >HFrameViewer displays the titles of the documents that contain text that >Imatches the query and are in the groups specified in the Limit to Groups @> text box. Rs "!# iRs`meh9 0 yԀ2@ @ #"$ .Ԁ2@ @ :raԀ2@ԀA9M!w `@ $#% %& o!w `@/z;!;MoreadqV %$& $& rqVaupho  L aqV &% qV$%d '(,im tJ ()' tJ =F!.YGI b UT UT`? Examples o@h@, 9The following table shows examples of valid queries. A Ԁ2@ @ E)(*' Ԁ2@ @meVweԀ2@ԀA9M!w `@ *)+'+, !w `@/z;!;Moree qV +*,'*, uqVch# M qV ,+'qV*+d B-.2@@J C./- J GJ(4YGI`@UT UThA*Locating  Bdocuments in specific groups (BI CThe documents in an indexed set of documents can belong to different BGdocument groups. Groups are often used to help organize large document @B=sets. Documents in the same group have the same group name.  CNTo limit the documents displayed in the scroll list in the Retrieve window to Cs Tdocuments in specific groups, make sure the Limit D to Groups checkbox is @@C@Mturned on and type the names of the groups you want to see in the text box. zԀ2@ @ z/.0- Ԁ2@ @, uԀ2@ԀA9M!w `@ 0/1-12 #!w `@/z;!;MoreqV 102-02 qVeh N qV 21-qV01d 348icroJ 453 J KR.:Yif DHIf you type more than one group name, separate the names with spaces or cuDAcommas. If a group name consists of more than one word, you must e$DCDenclose the name in quotation marks. To locate all documents in the ev2DGindexed set of documents that have no group name, type empty quotation o G@D iWmarks ("") in the Limit to Groups text box. If the Limit to Groups text box is he ND@Mempty, FrameViewer displays the titles of all documents containing text that \@D`@matches the query. 12p@hE`@=The following table shows examples of valid group names. E 0Ԁ2@ @ 5463 Ԁ2@ @Ԁ2@ԀA9M!w `@ 657378 !w `@/z;!;MoreqV 768368 qVgh: O qV 873pqV67d 9u:>coasJ :;9 J 4@Y th UT UThFn $Avoiding  Fwords in the stop file ev(GSA  Gstop file for a text retrieval index is simply a list of words that were not +GXincluded in the index. The stop file contains common words (such as a 9GraVand the) and may also contain words added by the author of the text GGy.Lretrieval index. For example, a stop file might contain your companys name meUG@Hor a product name that appears many times throughout the set of indexed cG`@Qdocuments. A stop file (called fmstyle.stp) is included as part of every q@G8text retrieval index.  HOIf you type a query that includes words that are in the stop file, FrameViewer pH7Iwill not locate any documents that match that part of the query. Contact HNyour system administrator for more information or for a copy of the stop file @H ,for the text retrieval index you are using. Ԁ2@ @ ;:<9 xԀ2@ @ oforԀ2@ԀA9M!w `@ 3<;=9=> e!w `@/z;!;MoreqV 4=<>9<> nqViwohut P tqV 5>=9eqV<=d -?e@Bor pJ .@A? oJ :Y do UT UThIle(If  HFrameViewer retrieves no matches as JHIf FrameViewer doesnt locate any documents containing information that yp+@JluHmatches your query, and you believe matches exist, check the following: wi? KdoJMake sure you typed the information in the query correctly. If your query MKraFincludes reserved words or the names of operators used as words, make [@K r*sure you enclose them in quotation marks. l(L<MMake sure the names of the document groups specified in the L Iimit to zL>RGroups text box are typed correctly. If you dont want to limit the documents @LBlocated to specific groups, make sure the checkbox is turned off. (M5WMake sure none of the words in your query are in the stop J file used by the @M ptext retrieval index.  N oFMake sure you have the most recent versions of both the documents and @Netthe text retrieval index. `Ora iԀ2@ @ 9A@B? gԀ2@ @ ypԀ2@ԀA9MPq BA? ,PqkMahth Q md!IfLeftd"raRightd rdam Continuedts d ReferenceK rdm d ContinuedMMadhed i ContinuedIidL Continuedd rr Continued doddod Continuedspede Continuedis d  Continuede sd' in Continuedre d- le Continuedthed3  p Continuedvald9 N Continuedre d?nt ContinuedbMM(dofy BCellBody. fz   Body. f{   CellHeading. f| CellBody. f}T   TableTitleT:Table : . f~   CellHeading. f e do Body. @   B U e } CellHead. f CellBody. f CellBody. f   CellHeading. f CellBody. @ f  Header. @   Footer. f  RunningHead. f 33 t Title. f  TOCSubTopic. f   Body. f   PBBody. f   PBBody. fP H1Body.  fA  f Num1.\tNum. f   Indent. f   Num.\t. f f  Num.\t. fP PBH1Body. 22fFrame. f  Callout. f   fCallout. f  fCallout. f  Callout. f   Callout. f  f Callout. ff  Callout. @ f  Bullet\t.  @   PBBullet\t. @   PBBullet\t. fP PBH1Body. f f  Body. fP H1Body.  egY egY.   egY egYt       33  zV  . _ _UserType zV egY underline  Button zV  SmallRunningHeader egYActiveegYYegYYegY egYYegYY _Keys@Yl@n@@ry~yThinzMedium{Double|Thick@} Very Thin5E65yyyzt~y~~y~~y~ BodyTable }H{|{H{|{H{|{H{|{H{|{Format Am}p m A~y~~y~Xn E~y~~y~}o =?I{|{?I{|{?I{|{?I{|{?I{|{?O{|{qm(5=l5>0m(5?5@0m(5A5B~0m(5C5DDo0m(5Ein5F^>m(.5G5H"mP.5I~y5J~yn45K5L"n45M{5N{"n4{5O}p5P n4~5QX5R%h"}o5S5T?I5U{|5V{5W?O5X%h"}o5Yl5Z5[05\m5]5^%h"}om5_5`5a~5b05cm5dAQCADCommentDoB OnlyInTPE  ^ a ^ b  (2Grey50HGrey25d BlackT!WhiteddARedddGreendd BluedCyandMagentad Yellow HelveticaHelvetica-Bold Times-Roman Times-BoldCourierCourierTimes Helvetica Regular Regular BoldRegularDJm*ER8vmG#Q;档̌%";G-]-MҨA?s3;fܝ*[A,lo%o, z^Щpa,E}:'iU)aoZ|LCvEc"n֬EFy0XwaZ60@r_05#ގETҝJ!@'L՛Cw}_Xik[8\_