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Documents ( Jthat contain both computer and laptop 6 (will have a higher score than documents D 3that contain only laptopeven if R t 2laptop appears several times in the `@  document. z>z!z " > 3  q  computer ACCRUE laptop @ ACCRUE desktop 0 >z"z! o> 4   CThe words computer, laptop, or  , 6desktop (or variations). Documents that ( )contain all three words have the highest 6@ score. ;Th oz#z$ s 5 ` r This query Doc nz$z#%  6 ` Locates documents that contain e t  >z%z$& a> 7   financial management a@ n company AND executive staff me  >z&z%' > 8    #Both the phrase financial  UE management company (or ( .variations) and the phrase executive 6@  staff (or variations) , >z'z&( > 9 io  t AND (January sales, co rdfinancial management (@ sccompany, executive staff) >z(z' > : r  n#All three phrases specified in the  ;query: January sales, financial do( in!management company, and z6@ .executive staff (or variations) z)z*  ; } `  This query z*z)+  < }` Locates documents that contain com y0z+z*, t0 = }  foffset printing OR ns) desktop publishing OR (@ laser printing 9 0z,z+- a0 > }na  9Any of these phrases: offset printing,  Bdesktop publishing, or laser printing (@ ra(or variations) he 0z-z,. r0 ? }  ge("Helvetica" AND  "Times") OR ("Palatino" ta(@ ri AND "Times") 0z.z- 0 @ }   qGEither both Helvetica and Times or @ 8both Palatino and Times in mz/z0  A `  This query pri nz0z/1 s B ` Locates documents that contain >z1z02 > C ff  prices PARAGRAPH generic @ inbrands  >z2z13 > D   +Both the word prices (or   variations) and the phrase ( es0generic brands (or variations) in es6@ the same paragraph 0z3z24 0 E   PARAGRAPH ("FDA", "approval", @  "timely") 0z4z3 0 F   (All three words (FDA,  ry=approval, and timely) in the (@ same paragraph  z5z6 n G `  This query C z6z57 R H  ` Locates documents that contain "z7z68 " I   SENTENCE ("editing", s@ "proofing", "writing") g r"z8z79 " J   zLAll three words (editing, proofing, and @ H ,writing) in the same sentence el  0z9z8: 0 K    editing SENTENCE d proofing SENTENCE (@ rowriting  n0z:z9 0 L   6,All three words (or variations) in the same @  sentence hz;z< z M `  This query oz<z;=  N ` Locates documents that contain E>z=z<> p> O  ` THESAURUS altitude >z>z= > P   8The word altitude and synonyms of the n  elFword altitude, such as loftiness, ( Otallness, pitch, height, and CE 6@ ro5elevation or variations on those words H$ ^?z@ H$ QvaUU` am HUS ^@z?A HUS RUU`  HH ^Az@ yHH S`  J ^BzC J T` z z) ^C{BD ) UAU h  UACCRUE V  ^D|CE  V` TEXT RETRIEVAL OPERATORS >39zE}DF>39 s>39>39 _ _F{EG  _ W h  _Introduction h e  `ACCRUE 0h  t aAND Dh  bNOT zXh  cOR lh  dPARAGRAPH h   eSENTENCE h  fTHESAURUS `  VqzG~FHHKVq ^XszHGIGIKXsXszIHJHJKXs}x@8 `@ eeJIKIK }x@8 `@} ShortcutsVq efKJLo}VqGJkqizL~KMMpCkqimsgzMLNLNpmsgmsezNMOMQpEmseATOäw `@ ehONPPQ äw `@â.ä.Done39 `@ ejQPRNp `@OP@ozRQS}~@o ANp@qPzS~RTToxqPsN{TSUSUosNsL{UTVTVosLq}w W `@ emVUWUo }w W `@,;};Indexq{W~VXXmqHJs{XWYWYmsIKs{ YXZX]msVq{ Z~Y[[lqks{[Z\Z\lsms{\[][`lsm vo ep]\^Ym  vo ä  vo }H vo eq^]__` . vo w  vo }H vo er_^`^` @ vo Np  vo }H vo es`_a\l vo ^_q{a~`bbqqxs{bacacqss{cbdbdqsewnP> `@ eudcecq mewnP> `@-e- Main Menu}Pq{e~dffn~PqRs{fegegnRsRs{!gfhfknRsq<{#h~giir~q<s:{%ihjhjrs:s8{'jikilrs8Y vo exkjlgn Y vo oY oY vo_ }8q eylkmjmrqZ`q ezmlnlnrqW]Pq e{nmomrNPqekqP e|onpKp}\qPSVkqi e}poqoq}kqiLQq e~qprpr}aqadq erqsq}bqhnq eszrt{| cq XMah  W Vq etzsuu{ Vq Yh  X jqj euztvtv{ jqj Zrh  Y qQ evzuwuy{ qQ [kh  Z q ewzvxxz nq \ h  [ yq exzwywz q ]h  \ Oq eyzxzvz{ Oq ^\h V ] q1 ezzy{y{q1wxq e{zz|s|qtzq] e|z{}~q]s{q\ e}z|~R~q\Kr@\ e~z}| @\R}@] ez~@]|~d _ yzv) _!{ ) _ h e& gRunning H/F 3 h (continued)  _"|  `` TEXT RETRIEVAL OPERATORS >39{J}>39xzy>39>39J _$z J a` {  _ _C{  _ b h y qIntroduction h   rACCRUE {z0h  sAND Dh  tNOT zXh  uOR lh  vPARAGRAPH h   wSENTENCE h !e xTHESAURUS ` " }Vq{P~Vq|~Xs{RXsXs{TXs}x@8 `@ e }x@8 `@} ShortcutsVq eVqkqi{X~kqiTRImsg{Z}msgmse{\msezäw `@ e äw `@â.ä.Done  `@ e `@@o{a@o ANp@qP{c~ qPsN{esNsL{gsLq}w W `@ e }w W `@,;};Indexq{j~qs{lss{nsVq{p~qks{rsms{tsm vo e  vo ä  vo }H vo e . vo w  vo }H vo e @ vo   vo }H vo e vo q{z~cq s{|ess{~gsewnP> `@ e ewnP> `@-e- Main Menu}Pq{~~PqRs{RsRs{Rsq<{~~q<s:{s:s8{s8Y vo e Y vo oY oY vo_ }8q eqq eqPq ePqqP eqPkqi ekqiq eqq eqq ez q cMah  ^ Vq ez Vq dh  i jqj ez jqj eh  j qQ ez qQ fh  k q ez q g h  l q ez q hh  m Oq ez Oq ih  n q1 ezq1q ezqq] ezq]q\ ezq\@\ ez @\@] ez@]d _DyzՀ @ _K Հ @ՀՀͲ='K e='K-] `@ e -] `@-f-f='K e='K!w `@ e !w `@/z;!;MoreqV ez qV jh T o qV ezqVq ez q kh  p Pq ez Pq lzh  y d yJ z J my( YY ou  use  text retrieval operators to create complex queries that can help you @ =be more specific about the information you want to retrieve. 3UT UT` 1`@!Help on text retrieval operators G 2OFor information about the operators used in text retrieval, select an operator wU@ 2!name from the list on the right. zih 3Mo?For information about writing queries, click he re. }h 4YFor information about using operators in text retrieval queries, click her e. ` 5 Հ @  Հ @Հ ՀͲd _LyJ _Mz J  n ( Q ~Use  the ACCRUE  operator to locate documents that contain information @ 3matching any of the words or phrases in the query. t r*( % tNACCRUE differs from the O R operator in the way FrameViewer scores 8 %maAdocuments located with ACCRUE. Documents located with the ACCRUE iF %Hoperator are scored based on how many of the words or phrases are found alT %orHin the document. Documents that contain all the words or phrases in the 3b %ioKquery are scored higher than documents that contain only one or two of the inp@ %Twords or phrases.  & cJWith the OR operator, a documents score is based on how often any of the  &@words or phrases from the query occur in the document. The more _L@ &.occurrences, the higher the documents score. z@ `@ kz z@ `@zzՀ @ ~ oՀ @entthՀՀ,$Ͳ!w `@  o!w `@/z;!;MoreqV z RqV oh do  d |y  %J |z J " n UT UT@h 'oc Examples  s` (th oՀ @  oՀ @d hheՀՀ,$Ͳd j9yas. J j:z J #( qf (  &R Use  the AND   operator to locate documents that contain information  ceImatching all the words and phrases in the query. Documents located using $ `@Ithe AND operator are scored based on how often all the words and phrases 2 Iin the query occur in the document. The more occurrences, the higher the @@ ;documents score. ]UT UT@h )zExamples   ` * Հ2@ @ k* Հ2@ @Հ2@ՀA9Md y J z J  r( Z Use  the NOT   operator to locate documents that do not contain the words or  j9Hphrases in the query. All documents containing information matching the z$@ query have the same score. 8` -EYou can combine the NOT operator only with the AND and OR operators. tUUT UT@h .atExamples  ՀD @  ՀD @ntsocՀDՀSKͲd iy or aJ iz eJ ). s, ( V zUse  {the  |OR operator to locate documents that contain information matching  @Kat least one of the words or phrases in the query. With the OR operator, a $ Hdocuments score is based on how often any of the words or phrases from 2 Fthe query occur in the document. The more occurrences, the higher the @@ NOdocuments score. ]UT UT@h # t Examples } a` $ ՀZ@ @ k2 ՀZ@ @infmaՀZ@ՀiaMd uy.YoJ uz eJ /4 tEx( H Use the  PARAGRAPH  operator to locate documents that contain  Ginformation matching all the words or phrases in the query in a single $ Oparagraph. (A paragraph can be a heading, a bullet item, text in a table cell, V 2 ORIor an ordinary text paragraph.) The order of the words or phrases in the @  oEquery is not considered when retrieving matching text. All documents N@ do?containing information matching the query have the same score. frokUT UT@h + Examples  u ` , T mԀn@ @ u Ԁn@ @tscoԀn@Ԁ}uMd uyJ uz J 5: u( S Use the  SENTENCE  operator to locate documents that contain information /4 Jmatching all the words and phrases in the query in a single sentence. The $ aiCorder of the words and phrases in the query is not considered when es 2 siLretrieving matching text. All documents containing information matching the et@@ abquery have the same score. OR]UT UT@h /exExamples  r` 0r  aԀ@ @ u nԀ@ @n rriԀ@ԀMd |BygthquJ |Cz +J ;> v m( R Use  the  THESAURUS operator to locate documents containing information  Hmatching the word or synonyms of the word in the query. You can use the $ ATHESAURUS operator with only one word at a time. (THESAURUS uses h2 oEthe Random House Thesaurus, not the Thesaurus used by FrameMaker, to @  tJselect synonyms.) All documents containing information matching the query N@  whave the same score. kUT UT@h 6deExample  ` 7ie gՀ @  fՀ @ thetՀՀͲ dUTLeftd Rightd@ Continuedud Reference rdd|Bd Continuedthddddd dcaAAfm hCellBody. fn o au Body. fr   CellHeadingm. fs   CellHeading. ft CellBody. fu CellBody. @v   aB U e } CellHead. fw   Body. @x   Header. @y   Footer.  fz  RunningHead. f{ 33 t Title. Bof|  TOCSubTopic. f}@   PBBodyBody. f~P H1Body. f   PBBody.  egY   egY   .   33    _ _UserType zVOub zVEmphasis  Button zVPB  SmallRunningHeader egY underline  egYActiveyyz{|@}~Y@@m}rmThinnMediumoDoublep_Thick@qrTy Very Thin a q b aubmmmnftrmrrmrrmrB BodyTablen nirmrrmr rlrmrrmr|  rmrrmr` }  rmrrmrn rmrrmrR rmrrmr>  rmrrmr   a aL a a " a a]  Me a o a bleuh  rTy a a q a  a>   a!  a"   f a# r a$ r>    a%  a& rm>    a' r a(    a)  a* 0    a+  a, rm0    a- r a.    a/  a0 >   a1  a2 L0   a3  a4 "   a5  a6 "  o a7 ble a8 h0  a q a9 a a: >   a;  a< >   a= r a> >5E75Comment6 OnlyInTPE   ^ U V ' ^ g h( 2Grey50 Grey25d BlackT!+White ddARed0ddGreen-dd BluedCyandMagentad Yellow Helvetica Helvetica-BoldCourier Times-Roman Times-BoldCourierTimes  Helvetica Regular Regular BoldRegularƟ; zZ ^ƙ5NQ 4J09J58:U!M(H0u@Ti%iuK06uGu']A7##Rd[^p"-}ZIl0 E$7 }O7 LxB+26 rI