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It also shows a scroll list of the documents @/containing information that matches the query. (RThe MAatches window lets you display the next or previous match in the Kcurrent document or the next or previous document in the list of documents @,currently displayed in the Retrieve window. v` Ԁ @ @ g Ԁ @ @QYoԀ @ԀMd iu J iv J  o`Navigation menu > Retrieve orm(anYHIWinJdow where you Ktype a query and see a list of the documents containing *@ a%information that matches your query. Fh wLQuMery History whF di6Displays a scroll list of queries and group names you Ta 3have used since you started FrameViewer. After you /cobon7type a query, FrameViewer places it at the top of this Mpow:list. To reuse a query, select it from the list and click ~en3Retrieve. When you select a query, it replaces the st 7text in the Current Query text box and in the Limit to dow@Groups text box. Ԁ@ @ u Ԁ@ @ @Ԁ@Ԁ-%M!w `@ l !w `@/z;!;MorevqV mv qVgahve< qV nvyqVd {u  inrmJ {v J  h aNCurrent QuOery nd  3Contains the query used to retrieve matching text. ewe@-You type and edit queries in this text box. c* f 4If the Current Query text box is empty, FrameViewer se8is/locates all documents that are in the document youFt 9groups specified in the Limit to Groups text box. If the uTn 4Limit to Groups text box is also empty, FrameViewer b,locates all documents in the indexed set of p1documents and displays their titles in the Query ~@;Results scroll list. Ԁ@ @ i Ԁ@ @Ԁ@Ԁ-%M!w `@ u !w `@/z;!;MoreqV vv qVhC qV wvqVd {u ryseJ {v J xthLPimQit to Groups ue ty.Contains the names of the document groups you re0want to see. When FrameViewer locates documents pe$t 7containing text that matches the query, it then checks o G2al6the group names specified in the Limit to Groups text @ i5box to see if the documents containing matching text pNin4belong to those groups. If the Limit to Groups text \5box is empty, FrameViewer displays the titles of all j@/documents containing text matching the query. ~ ;4To specify more than one group name in the Limit to 4Groups text box, separate the names with spaces. If -a group name consists of more than one word, @{%enclose the name in quotation marks.  /If you dont want to limit the document groups 3FrameViewer displays, turn off the Limit to Groups ue@ty checkbox. Ԁ@ @ k Ԁ@ @t tseԀ@Ԁ-%M!w `@ { i!w `@/z;!;MorechqV |v eqVhtoD qV }vqVd dus J ev tJ nthngROperators ~ To4Lists the text retrieval operators. When you choose Gr/an operator from this pop-up menu, FrameViewer $@'adds it to the Current Query text box. wor8hASCCRUE na8 rkLocates documents containing uFit5information matching any of the words and phrases in eT@ff the query. Grhh ATND bh )Locates documents containing information v@1matching all the words and phrases in the query. h`@ NUOT ; &Locates documents that do not contain 2information matching the words and phrases in the @query. h OVR  d)Locates documents containing information 5matching at least one of the words or phrases in the @ntquery. hatPAWRAGRAPH  xtLocates documents containing c6information matching all the words and phrases in the @query in a single paragraph. eԀ@ @ m CԀ@ @Ԁ@Ԁ-%M!w `@  m!w `@/z;!;Mores qV v qVhmeB tqV vaqVd Fu J Gv J hihhrSEXNTENCE  vLocates documents containing R6information matching all the words and phrases in the $@maquery in a single sentence. ds8h THYESAURUS qu8 Locates documents containing Fxt5information matching the word in the query or one or nT@ amore synonyms of the word. he phZRetrieve p /Starts the text retrieval process that locates @~@.documents containing information matching the 5query, in the document groups specified in the Limit @to Groups text box. h[Query Results  3Displays a scroll list showing the score, matches, 4title, and group name of documents in the specified 2document groups that contain information matching @hi the query. Ԁ@ @  vԀ@ @ts ntԀ@Ԁ-%M!w `@  d!w `@/z;!;Morey qV v qVLohntF qV vtqVd un J v J oc`Score  ni*Displays the score of a document based on e 0its estimated relevance to the query. The score $s 1depends on which operator is used and the number 21of matches that occur in the document. (For more ,@H@information, see Understanding a \documents score.) T`meMatches thT ti(Displays the number of times a match to y.b@"the query occurs in the document. v`Title v /Displays the title of the document assigned to `@6the document by the author of the index. The title is @.not necessarily the filename of the document. `(Group) v (Displays the group name assigned to the u@%document by the author of the index.   Documents @ Retrieved `0Displays the total number of documents located. thme ]Open  e 1Opens the document selected in the Query Results @s scroll list. iԀ@ @  Ԁ@ @matesԀ@Ԁ-%M!w `@ } m!w `@/z;!;MoretqV ~v eqVofhy.G qV vqVd sut ntssJ tv eJ  hno^Next Match fi me4Displays the next match in the current document. If up5the current match is the last match in the document, b$e 4clicking Next Match displays the first match in the 24document. If there is no document open, this button ts@@ is dimmed. \h_Previous Match ocu\ he5Displays the previous match in the current document. j/If the current match is the first match in the @x4document, clicking Previous Match displays the last `@5match in the document. If there is no document open, @this button is dimmed. ` Ԁ@ @  Ԁ@ @Ԁ@Ԁ-%Md uus tvJ uv J  Ne` Navigation menu > Go to Matches tc(oc_`abWindocw you use to ddisplay the matches in the current document or the first *H NXmatch in the documents displayed in the scroll list in the Reetrieve window. dFh bfPrevious Match @F +Displays the previous match in the current \TDi5document. If the current match is the first match in bIf3the document, clicking Previous Match displays the p@melast match in the document. sphgNext Match 5ma t.4Displays the next match in the current document. If thd.5the current match is the last match in the document, 4clicking Next Match displays the first match in the @ document. Հ2@ @ }) Հ2@ @Հ2@ՀA9M!w `@  !w `@/z;!;MoreqV v uqV  dhstE qV vsqVd ud PrJ v aJ  (mehiPrevious m@ma Document  th2Displays the first match in the previous document me.listed in the Retrieve window. If the current $ch3document is the first document in the scroll list, the2@ I2clicking Previous Document displays an alert box. N`ocNext Document N ki5Displays the first match in the next document listed \me3in the Retrieve window. If the current document is 2@j4the last document in the scroll list, clicking Next x@ Document displays an alert box. ` vՀ2@ @  Հ2@ @ dՀ2@ՀA9M d Leftd Rightd T Continuedd  Referenced  ad d  Continuedd  Continued Dod  Continueds td pr Continuednt d li Continuedetrd rr Continuedd thd  ro Continued2=}=fk   t fBody. fp   d mBody. @q   Header. @r TCo n Footer. Re fs  RunningHead . ft 33 t rTitlet. fu  TOCSubTopic. fvP H1Body. fw@    FromStatementBody. fxP  SideHSideBody. fy@ SideBodySideH. fzP  SideHSideBody. f{P  RunInSideBody f|P  PBSideHSideBody.  egY       33 f  Button zV  SmallRunningHeader egY underline  eActive  Activeuuvwox@yz{|}~@y@eujeThinf MediumgDoublehThick@i  Very Thin-=/-Comment. 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