From: Martin Weissenboeck[] Sent: Donnerstag, 23. Jänner 1997 21:59 To:; Subject: AGTK 97018: NC-Kosten AGTK 97018: NC-Kosten. 23.1.97. Hier ein Beitrag, uebermittelt von Bertram GEIGER : COST SAVINGS FROM NC CONCEPT QUESTIONED Some of the enthusiasm for the network computer concept has been generated by companies hoping to save money by eliminating some of the widely publicized costs associated with maintaining a PC. A Gartner Group study last year estimated that a networked PC costs a business an average of $13,200 a year -- 21% is the cost of the PC and the portion of the network it consumes; 36% is the cost of administering it; and 43% is the cost of "end-user operations" -- employee tinkering, game playing, etc. owever, purchasing network computers will not save the entire $13,200 -- the cost of the network and the server that can support all the needs of network computers will be far higher than those required for PCs, which basically wipes out that savings. The cost of administering the system will indeed be far lower, but there will be an additional cost involved in the introduction of NCs. And the cost of lost employee productivity is perhaps most difficult to measure -- indeed, if the employee is hooked directly to the Internet, instead of playing Solitaire, even more company time might be wasted. (The Economist 18 Jan 97) Edupage is written by John Gehl & Suzanne Douglas ---- MfG Martin Weissenboeck Gatterburggasse 7, A-1190 Wien Tel: +43-1-369 88 58-0, Fax: +43-1-369 88 59-7 ------- This message was distributed via the Listserver of the CCC (Computer Communications Club) - (e-mail '' for info's). To unsubscribe from the list send a message to with the following command in the message body: 'unsubscribe agtk' .