From: Martin Weissenboeck[] Sent: Donnerstag, 13. Februar 1997 22:50 To:; Subject: AGTK 97039: Netz-Statistik AGT97039: Netz-Statistik. 13.02.97 Hans Bruckner hat Interessantes gefunden; [Netcraft] [Web Commerce] The SSL Server Survey is also available. ----------------------------------------------------- The Netcraft Web Server Survey Reports | Graphs | Security | What's that site running now? | Explore Mechanics | The First Year | Developers | Servers | Most Requested Sites ----------------------------------------------------- The Netcraft Web Server Survey is a survey of Web Server software usage on Internet connected computers. We collect and collate as many hostnames providing an http service as we can find, and systematically poll each one with an HTTP request for the server name. In the February 1997 survey we received responses from 739,706 sites. February Results Top Servers Server January February January February Sites Sites % % Apache 268,723 304,131 41.59 41.12 NCSA 70,116 71,840 10.85 9.71 Microsoft-IIS 49,860 62,460 7.72 8.44 Netscape-Communications 33,166 35,272 5.13 4.77 Netscape-Commerce 31,916 33,978 4.94 4.59 Top Developers Developer January Sites February Sites January % February % Apache 268,723 304,131 41.59 41.12 Netscape 87,550 97,828 13.23 13.11 Microsoft 68,406 80,857 10.59 10.93 NCSA 70,116 71,840 10.85 9.71 Netscape is the sum of sites running Netscape-Enterprise, Netscape-FastTrack, Netscape-Commerce, Netscape-Communications, Netsite-Commerce & Netsite-Communications. Microsoft is the sum of sites running Microsoft-Internet-Information-Server, Microsoft-IIS, Microsoft-IIS-W, Microsoft-PWS-95, & Microsoft-PWS. The full list of servers is available. Over 300,000 sites running Apache The number of sites running Apache, now exceeds 300,000. Apache/1.2, currently in beta, is due for launch very shortly. Microsoft overtakes NCSA Microsoft gained a further twelve thousand sites this month, overtaking NCSA in the process. NCSA's share has now dipped below 10%; in the first Web Server Survey in August 1995 NCSA was the most popular server with some 57% of the survey. Making Headway Netscape-Enterprise gained a further 4500 sites to 21,867, Stronghold gained 3000 sites to 14,506, while Jef Poskanzer's thttpd gains some 18,000 sites, primarily as a result of Demon Internet deploying it on their virtual hosting system. Popularity of NT continues Overall, the percentage of NT specific servers, running one of IIS, Website, WebsitePro, Purveyor, EMWAC, Commerce-Builder, Alibaba, or WebQuest, is now 16%. This includes nothing in respect of the number of Netscape or Navisoft servers which may be running on NT, or for a number of servers with smaller number of sites also running on NT. We are unable to produce a figure for Netscape or Navisoft on NT, as the signature for these servers when running on NT machines is indistinguishable from the Unix versions. Reports and Interactive Queries Reports are provided showing server usage for the Internet as a whole, and for selected domains, with links to all the sites responding to the survey. A facility for you to check what server a particular site is running now is also available. The same form can be used to ensure that a particular site is included in future surveys. A directory of sites running in developer domains is also provided, while the sites discovered by the survey can be explored. Excerpts from this survey may be reproduced if Netcraft and the url are attributed. Your comments and criticism are much appreciated. Copyright c Netcraft 1995, 1996 ---- MfG Martin Weissenboeck Gatterburggasse 7, A-1190 Wien Tel: +43-1-369 88 58-0, Fax: +43-1-369 88 59-7 ------- This message was distributed via the Listserver of the CCC (Computer Communications Club) - (e-mail '' for info's). To unsubscribe from the list send a message to with the following command in the message body: 'unsubscribe agtk' .