From: Franz Fiala Sent: Freitag, 14. März 1997 07:31 To:; Subject: AGTK 97066: Post aus Finnland. 12.03.97 AGTK 97066: Post aus Finnland. 12.03.97 Harald Ludwig, TU-Wien, schreibt: Heute habe ich eine mail aus Finland bekommen, wo es um die Entwicklung um 'learning environments' fuer WWW geht. Die Universitaet in Tampere sucht fuer ein EU-Projekt Partner fuer diese Entwicklung. Eine Projektbeschreibung habe ich an diese Mail attached. ---- attached mail ---- My department at the University of Tampere is applying EU-funding for a project to develop learning environments into the WWW. At this time we are looking for partners either from universities or firms. Below is the preliminary suggestion on the project. If you and/or your firm/university are interested in joining in this kind of co-operation, please let me know ASAP, but at the latest by March 7th. I know this is a bit quik, but all we need at this time, is to know, if you are even vaguely interested (A name and contact information is enough). the final negotiations will follow later on. Contact: Eeva Pilke , University of Tampere, Finland ******************************************************************* PEDAGOGICAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS IN NETWORK AND TEACHER EDUCATION (PLENTE) JOINT EUROPEAN PROJECT PROPOSAL 1. General overview and purpose of the project Main idea is to develop, test and research innovative user interface solutions based on Internet network concept to enhance modern learning environment thinking based on adequate learning theories and possibilities to apply hypermedia for teacher education and teaching practice in general European level. 2. Tomorrows user interface solutions and modern learning environments Our purpose is to develop distributed user environment for students, teams and organisations which would enable advanced and productive utilisation of Internet resources. Our approach to user interface and environment is based on conception that humans way of act is always situated to other peoples actions. Due to this tomorrow's user interface should give better possibilities to efficiently communicate and interact with different kind of people. These ideas can be carried out by creating new immersive user environment that enables interaction and consists tools to control, produce and utilise Internet information and services. This environment will be produced using Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML), 3D techniques and Java programming language. 3. Target group Main target group consists of several teacher education units and their practice schools in Europe. General idea of hypermedia and user interfaces is not very well on view in todays teacher education. If we want to educate students of today to encounter information society needs of tomorrow, we must take into close consideration how we improve the knowledge level of teachers about hypermedia and educational technology if we want the education system to reach the adequate level of digital information age and networks. In this project the main aim is to educate teachers and teacher students to meet digital media and information society challenges. The second important aim is to develop and research the user interface concept of modern learning environments in network settings and create a cooperation network between teacher education units, hypermedia teaching and research units together with hypermedia user interface development units. First step is to start with European level computer basic courses and hypermedia basic courses for teachers and teacher students. Second step is to take into use and test a hypermedia material for language and culture learning which is produced by using tomorrows learning environment context and user interface platform. Third step is a final research and evaluation step where the whole hypermedia user interface design and target groups needs and use results are being evaluated. 4. Human mobility and project partners The aim of human mobility in this project is to promote cooperation and utilization of knowledge between European educational institutes and commercial research centers of information society. In future the rapid development of information society will raise learning in essential role in European education from the primary level to the vocational level. The new media will have an enormous impact of how future Europe is developed. In this development cooperation between teachers education and private sector will have an important role when implementing and transferring new innovations of information technology and knowledge to the European awareness. The means that will be carried out when pursuing these goals are teaching, research, information sharing , consultation. A major part of these means will be executed by using networks as communication channels but also personnel exchange between partners will be used. This will include also internal seminars between partners and informative meetings that will be held for the purpose of announcing the results of the project. The partners in this project will be European teachers education institutes, European commercial research centers of information society and hypermedia, European telecommunication and application businesses and European universities. Main aims: - hypermedia and computer use basic knowledge for teachers and teacher students - modern learning environment user interface design and research concepts - media education - pilot hypermedia material in network environments for multicultural and multilingual learning for teacher education and for European schools generally - cooperation network and common European hypermedia education modules for teaching the basic hypermedia and computer courses for teachers - promote cooperation and utilization of knowledge between European educational institutes and commercial research centers of information society and hypermedia ---- end of attachment ---- __ __ __ / /_/ / / / Harald Ludwig Vienna, Austria / __ / / /__ e-mail: phone: +43-1-718 4567 /_/ /_/ /____/ World Wide Web: ------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- MfG Martin Weissenboeck Gatterburggasse 7, A-1190 Wien Tel: +43-1-369 88 58-0, Fax: +43-1-369 88 59-7 ------- This message was distributed via the Listserver of the CCC (Computer Communications Club) - (e-mail '' for info's). 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