"Mag. Peter Jagl" schrieb:

> Meine wichtige Frage blieb aber unbeantwortet: Muss man auf der Linux
> Maschine den DNS Server konfigurieren - oder nicht ? Wie war das bei
> Dir??
Normalerweise ja!


Q3.22 -- How do I configure sendmail not to use DNS?

Date: March 24, 1997
Updated: April 6, 2000

In situations where you're behind a firewall, or across a dial-up line, there are times when you need to make sure that programs (such as
sendmail) do not
use the DNS at all.

With older releases of version 8 sendmail (8.7 and earlier), you need to recompile the binary and make sure that "NAMED_BIND" is turned off in src/conf.h.

With versions 8.8 and later, you change the service switch file to omit "DNS" and use only NIS, files, and other map types as appropriate. More information about the service switch file can be found under the ServiceSwitchFile option in §5.6 (Options) of the Installation and Operation Guide and all of §4.9 (Name Server Access).

Also, starting with 8.9, it may help to include the following in your .mc file:


Note that you'll need to forward all your outbound mail to another machine as a "relay" (one that does use DNS, and understands how to properly use MX records, etc...), otherwise you won't be able to get mail to any
site(s) other than the one(s) you configure in your /etc/hosts file (or whatever).

Ich hoffe, damit ist auch diese Frage beantwortet.


* Erich Schneeweiss mailto:eschneew@paedak-krems.ac.at
* Administrator of paedak-krems.ac.at
* PA Krems Dr. Gschmeidler Str. 22-30 A - 3500 Krems
* Tel: +43-2732-83591 Fax: +43-2732-83591-71
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