Liebe KollegInnen, ich leite weiter (und vergleiche mit Oesterreich). MfG Josef Gary Fuchsbauer

Dear Mr. Gruber,
Your questions were sent to us - OAJ (Trade Union of Education in Finland) via our Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Our Researcher Mr. Mika Väisänen has given the following replies to your questions:

1. the regular teaching commitment per week (=lessons spent in class)
18-32 hours/week

(Oesterreich: (20/1,167=) 17,1 bis (20/0,75=) 26,7 Stunden/Woche)

2. administrative work included in the salary
3 days in a year

(Oesterreich: hat das schon jemals wer ausgerechnet?)

3. length of holidays
190 working days/year

(Oesterreich (falls working days Mo-Sa bedeutet): Sommer 55, Weihnachten 8, Semester 7, Ostern 8, Pfingsten 2, Landespatron 1, Allerseelen 1, dazu vielleicht noch 2 schulautonome, die nicht mit Konferenzen etc belegt sind. Summe: 83 )

4. average class size
no statistics about class sizes, it is recommended that the class size in secondary school should not exceed 32 pupils 5. annual salary
34 685 e/year (2001)

(Oesterreich (Wenn annual salary unser Bruttogehalt mal 14 ist): entspricht 9.Gehaltsstufe in L1, oder 11.-12. in L2a2, oder 14. in L2a1, oder 17+Daz in L2b1 - aus dem Jahre 2001.)

6. chances of promotion
possiblities to seek for example principals post or further education to acquire competence 7.old age pension regulations
info unavailable
8. retirement requirements (age, years in occupation...)
New teachers 65 years, older 60 years
9. job opportunities for beginners
10. general working conditions (size and equipment of staff rooms...)
adequate (pls see for closer statistical info on Education at a Glance)

We hope these replies help.
on behalf of Mika Väisänen (e-mail:
Your sincerely, Iisa Koistinen

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