PCNINFO 98043: Suchmaschinen-Report Wolfgang Nigischer berichtet ueber Suchmaschinen: 1. Umfrage ueber Suchmaschinen 2. Beliebteste deutsche Suchmaschinen ---------------- 1. Umfrage ueber Suchmaschinen Gesamtergebnis siehe http://www.searchinsider.com/survey.html Ich war so frei und habe das Wichtigste zusammengefaßt: Zuerst die Frage, von wo die Umfrage hauptsächlich beantwortet wurde: 60% United States 7% United Kingdom 6% Canada 3% Australia 1% France 1% South Africa 1% Switzerland 1% Norway 1% New Zealand 1% Germany --------------------------------------------------------------------------- How often do you use Web search services? 52% Several times a day 29% Several times a week 13% Several times an hour or more 5% Several times a month 1% Infrequently or never --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please rate how often you use the following features of search sites: "Best of the Web" lists or top picks 41% Seldom 27% Never 21% Sometimes 8% Often Advanced or Boolean searching 61% Often 26% Sometimes 10% Seldom 2% Never --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Which search site do you use most often? (Note: Many people responded to this question by saying that they use "all" or "various" search sites, particularly when it comes to doing research. Sites mentioned by less than 1% of respondents are not listed. ) For general searches? 28% Yahoo 27% AltaVista 18% Infoseek 11% Hot Bot 8% Excite 5% Metacrawler 4% Dogpile 3% Webcrawler 2% Northern Light 2% Lycos 1% Mamma 1% Anzwers For research? 31% AltaVista 14% Infoseek 13% Hot Bot 12% Yahoo 9% Excite 7% Northern Light 4% Lycos 4% Metacrawler 2% Dogpile 2% Webcrawler 1% Electric Library 1% Rankdex 1% Metafind 1% Mining Company 1% Savvy Search -------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you generally use more than one search site to find what you need? 85% Yes 13% No 2. PC-ONLINE 3/98, S. 55 Die 10 beliebtesten Websites (Deutschland) 3. Yahoo! (http://www.yahoo.de) 6. Alta Vista (http://www.altavista.digital.com): Die beliebte Suchmaschine jetzt mit Benutzerprofilen und direkter Übersetzung fremdsprachiger Texte. 8. Web.de (http://www.web.de): Deutscher Internet-Index mit Suchmaschine. 10. Fireball (http://www.fireball.de): Die Antwort auf Alta Vista mit der umfassendsten Datenbank deutscher Web-Seiten. Quelle: WIN und PC-ONLiNE Pressedienst Ausgabe 4/98, 3. März 1998 MFG Wolfgang Nigischer PCNEWS, Siccardsburggasse 4/1/22, 1100 Wien Tel: 01-604 5070 Fax: DW2 Mobil: 0664-101 5070 WWW: http://pcnews.at/ E-Mail: pcnews@pcnews.at