F I L E T Y P E S or - E X T E N S I O N S

ADN add-in utility Lotus JNK junk, temporary file

ANS ANSI graphics KBD keyboard

ARC archive, compressed file, packed KEY keyboard, keyfile

ARJ compressed file by ARJ

ASC ASCII text file LBL labels

ASM assembler source LBR library

ASP aspect script(procomm) LEX lexicon

BAK backup file ( of wordproc.) LOG log file

BAS basic source LST listing

BAT batch file LTR letter, correspondence

BFX Bitfax Fax format LZH LHARC

BGI borland graphic interface MAC Apple grafic format (PNTG)

BIN binary data or image MAN manual

BIT bitmap image MEN menu

BK! WordPerfect backup MES message

BLD Basic load graphic MNU menu file

BMP paintbrush (windows3) MSG message

BSV Basic save graphic MSP monochrome windows2.0 pixelfile f

C C source NDX index

CAL SuperCalc worksheet NEW what's new

CAT catalog OBJ relocatable object code

CBL COBOL source or cable OLD info on old versions

CD circuit diagram ORCAD PAK compressed file/archive

CDR CorelDraw PAS pascal source

CFG configuration PCB printed circuit board (sMARTWORK)

CGM Harvard Graphics, etc intern.std. PCL HP printer control language

CHK CHKDSK file PCT picture image Mac metafileformat

CHR character or font file PCX pc paintbrush

CLP Clipboard windows intermed. buff PD1 prodesign drawing

CMD command file PDF printer description file

CNF configuration PDX paradox files

COD code or object listing PGM program

COM computer object module (64k lim.) PIC Lotus graph (watch Dr. Halo also)

CPP C++ source PIF program information file

CRD Windows Cardfile PIX Hijack's internal picture format

CUT Colorpalette of Dr. Halo PRD printer driver (Word)

DAT data PRN print file

DB paradox database, dBIII+ configfi PS postscript

DB2 dBASE II, Quattro PUB publication (ventura)

DBF dBase file RIF variant of TIF

DC2 design CAD-2D RLE compressed windows bitmaps

DC3 design CAD-3D SAV save file (backup)

DCA Documentformat IBM SCO matrix & genographic slidemaker

DCT dictionary SCR screen, script

DEF definitions, defaults SET driver set (123)

DEM demonstartion STY style sheet

DES description SUP supplemental dict. set-up string

DEV device driver SYL SYLK format

DFT draft text SYS system files for MSDOS and TSR pr

DHP Dr. Halo grafikformat THS thesaurus (WordPerfect)

DIC dictionary TGA Targa color picture

DIF data interchange format TIF Tag image file format

DOC some wordproc, some document TMP temporary file

DRV device driver TUT tutorial

DRW drawing Lotus Freelance TXT text (ASCII) file

DV DESQview script WK1 worksheet (Lotus 2.)

DVR device driver WKQ worksheet (Quattro)

DVS DESQview command script WKS worksheet (Lotus 1a)

DWG drawing ORCAD or HiWire WMF Windows3.x metafileformat (grafik

DXF data interchange format (Autocad WPG Word Perfect graphics 5...

EPS encaps. postscript (adobe illust WPM Word Pewrfect macro

EXE executable file WS WordStar document

FAX various Fax formats XT Crosstalk

FMT formatted ZIP compressed/archive PKWare

FNT font ZOO compressed/archive (Phesi)

FON font or phones

FOR fortran source


GEM ventura publisher native TOC table of content

GIF Graphic interchange format TPG title page

GLY glossar MSword TXT ASCII file

GRF graph RS routing slip

GX2 Showpartner slideshow format IOM INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM

HLP help FRM form prototype

HPG HPGL plotter file (ASCII) TEC technical WPF doc

HST history, host, histogram QST QUESTIONAIRE

HYP hypertext CBL cable diagram

IDX image

IDX index

IFF interchange fileformat(voc,mus, BRF german letter 'Brief'

IMG GEM pixelfile formaty

INF information

INI initialization

INX index PC-file