Running Microsoft Office 97


Michael Kugler


Running Microsoft Office 97

Running Microsoft Office 97

Michael Kugler


Running  Microsoft Office 97 ist ein Buch in englischer Sprache und erster Linie für Neulinge gedacht, aber auch jene, die bereits einiges über das Office-Paket wissen, kommen auf auf ihre Rechnung. Das Buch enthält am Beginn eine kurze Einführung in das Office Paket. Es folgt die Behandlung von Word, Excel, Powerpoint und Access.

Den Abschluss bildet ein Kapitel über die zusätzlichen Programme des Office Paketes (Outlook, Sammelmappe...). Visual Basic for Applications ist nicht Bestandteil des Buches. Das Buch enthält auf über 1200 Seiten eine sehr detaillierte Beschreibung der Programme.

Die beiligende CD-ROM enthält neben der elektronischen Variante dieses Buches auch die des Buches Running Microsoft Word 97 sowie  einige weitere Programme, darunter auch Outlook 98. Im folgenden einige Textbeispiele aus dem Buch.

Beispiel Word

Eingabe von Maßangaben in Dialog-Boxen:


Some of the boxes in Word dialog boxes require you to enter measurements (for example, the By boxes following the Spacing and Position lists in the Font dialog box). Word displays the current value as a number followed by an abbreviation for the units. If you enter a new value, you should generally use the same units.

For example, consider a box in which Word displays the value 3 pt, meaning 3 points. If you typed either 5 or 5 pt into this box, the value would be changed to 5 points. You can use another unit of measurement, provided that you specify the units. For example, you could enter .05 in into this box, and the value would be changed to .05 inches. The next time you opened the dialog box, Word would display this value in points—that is, 3.6 pt. (In some cases, Word will adjust the measurement to match its internal rules. For example, text can be raised or lowered only in half-point increments; therefore, in the By box following the Position list, Word would change .05 in to 3.5 pt.)

Note that you can change the standard units that Word uses for many of the values entered into dialog boxes. To do this, choose Options from the Tools menu, click the General tab, and select the units you want in the Measurement Units list.

The following table will help you work with the different units of measurement that Word recognizes:

Beispiel Excel

Über den Umgang mit der Zielwertsuche

Forecasting with the Goal Seek Command

When the Goal Seek command starts to run, it repeatedly tries new values in the variable cell to find a solution to the problem you’ve set. This process is called iteration, and it continues until Excel has run the problem 100 times or has found an answer within 0.001 of the target value you specified. (You can adjust these iteration settings by choosing the Options command from the Tools menu and adjusting the Iteration options on the Calculations tab.) By calculating so quickly, the Goal Seek command can save you significant time and effort over the “brute force” method of trying one number after another in the formula.

To forecast with the Goal Seek command, follow these steps:

Create a worksheet with a formula, an empty “variable” cell, and any data that you need to use in your calculation. For example, Figure 22-1 shows how you might set up a worksheet to determine the number of cups of coffee priced at $1.75 that you would have to sell to gross $30,000.


In your worksheet, select the cell containing the formula. (In the Goal Seek dialog box, this is called the Set Cell.)

From the Tools menu, choose the Goal Seek command. The Goal Seek dialog box opens, as shown in the following screen. The cell name you selected appears in the Set Cell text box and a marquee appears around the cell in your worksheet. Click the cell again in the worksheet to confirm it.


Type the goal that you want to reach in the To Value text box. For example, to reach $30,000 in sales, type 30000 in the To Value text box.

Place the cursor in the By Changing Cell text box, move the Goal Seek dialog box out of the way, if necessary, and then click the cell that is to contain your answer (the variable cell). This is the value that the Goal Seek command will calculate using the formula in the Set Cell and your goal. The cell will be indicated with a selection marquee (cell D6 in this example), as shown in the following screen:Image225 Click OK to find a solution for your sales goal. The Goal Seek Status dialog box will display a message when the iteration is complete, and the result of your forecast will appear in the worksheet, as shown in Figure 22-2. This forecast shows that you need to sell 17,143 coffees at $1.75 per cup to reach your sales goal of $30,000.Click OK to close the Goal Seek dialog box




PCNEWS-62  April 1999

Michael Kugler    

Running Microsoft Office 97


Beispiel PowerPoint

Wie fügt man ein Viedo in eine SlideShow ein:

Beispiel Access

In Access werden Filter bei der Anzeige von Tabellen verwendet.

Using Filter By Selection

The easiest way to filter records is by finding a field in a record that contains the information you want to use as a filter criterion, and then telling Access to list only those records that contain the same entry in that field. For example, in the Book Collection database, you might want to list all the hardcover books in your collection. To do so, you first locate a record containing the entry that you want to use to select your records—in this case, a record with the entry Hard in the Cover Type field, as shown in Figure 34-6.


Either click anywhere within the field or select the whole entry to tell Access to match the field’s entire contents. Then, choose Filter from the Records menu and choose Filter By Selection from the submenu that appears. Or, just click the Filter By Selection button on the toolbar. Access will then show only the records that meet the filter criterion. The datasheet shown in Figure 34-6 will appear as shown in Figure 34-7, where only hardcover books are displayed.


Indicates that a filter has been applied and therefore not all records are displayed.


Beispiel Outlook

Im Kapitel VI :Integrating Microsoft Office Applications erfährt man Neuigkeiten über die verschiedenen Versionen von Outlook:

Outlook Versions

This book covers both Outlook 97 and Outlook 98. While Outlook 97 is the original version of Outlook that’s included with Microsoft Office 97, Outlook 98 is an updated version that you can obtain separately. When you install Outlook 98, it replaces Outlook 97 on your computer, and, like Outlook 97, it’s completely compatible with the other Office 97 applications.

You can perform any of the basic tasks listed in the previous section using either of these Outlook versions. The following are some of the additional features offered by Outlook 98:

Outlook Express

Don’t confuse Outlook 97 and Outlook 98 with Outlook Express. Outlook 97 and Outlook 98 are members of the Microsoft Office family of applications, and are therefore covered in this book. Outlook Express, by contrast, is a separate e-mail and newsreader program that’s included with Microsoft Internet Explorer 4. Contributing to the possible confusion is the fact that the newsreader portion of Outlook Express is installed when you set up Outlook 98 (whether or not you use Internet Explorer as your Web browser). Choosing the News command from the Go menu of Outlook 98 runs the Outlook Express newsreader.

office_0.GIF  Michael Kugler

PCNEWS-62  April 1999