July 15, 2007
Art Project: "FLID - The Partition Of The World"
portal.or-om.org and or-om.org/Flid.pdf
by Gruppe Or-Om
If you percieve any part of the world, you have to use your senses, your
phantasy and certain concepts some of which you have in your mind from
beginning of your live and some of which you have learned in your society.
The concepts are like scissors, cutting parts out of the Whole and creating a
kind of reality. Every cut entails a kind of brutal arbitrariness and
violence. The history of sciences, arts, religions, technologies, economies
and social systems is a history of violent sequences of arbitrary partitions
of the world culminating in the postmodern crisis of incompatible
pluralities. The total world, the universe, all products of science, art,
cultures and social formationsin history, presence and future will be
re-divided by partitions consisting only of parts called FLID connected with
an index.
At http://www.flickr.com/groups/393671@N24/
you find the Group for the Global Project. Everybody is invited
to contribute this new reflexive partition by own samples of partition
submitted at ,http://www.flickr.com/groups/393671@N24/ using
flickr for uploading the artworks or sending the picture to or-om@chello.at . If you have your picture
at a flickr-account click the "Send to Group" button between the
foto title and the photo. Then choose our Group: "Global Art Project:
The Partition Of The World" and you're done! Which index numbers should
you use in your partition? Please look for the last uploaded index numbers
and continue the numeration there.
Is there a "True Partition of the World"? Look under or-om.org/Flid.pdf
Here you find suggestions for the ultimate steps in the Partition of the
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and http://or-om.org/Flid.pdf