VI.) MEMTOOL Installation:





The following procedure will install/prepare Memtool for the programming of the XC16 family:



Execute file infineon_memtool_3_2_5.exe and choose Destination Location (default directory) C:\Programme\Memtool .


2) Start Memtool (use the Windows Start Menu, Infineon Memtool 3)



Select under Menu Target\Change

device XC161CJ-16FF\XC164CS-16FF STEP AA  or

device XC161CJ-16FF\XC164CS-16FF STEP AB.



Your system is now ready to program the OnChipFlash of the XC16 family.









Should Memtool not be able to construct a connection to the XC16x Board (e.g. Windows 98 initialization mistakes of the serial interface), please, insert "REQRESET=1" in the appropriate .dat file.